May We Meet Again

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Clarke's POV

My eyes slowly opened to a dimly lit room, the world becoming less blurry with each passing second. A small amount of sunlight filtered in through a nearby window and I soon recognized the layout of the medical bay as I turned my head slightly, wincing when even that small movement sent a wave of pain along my back.

'Clarke honey, you should stay still' my mom advised quietly, approaching the bed from where she had been stood on the far side of the room. She lowered herself to sit on the edge of my bed, smiling with teary eyes to see me awake.

'Mom' I whispered, my voice barely audible due to my dry throat. I attempted to sort through my muddled thoughts as she picked up the glass of water by the bed and placed it to my lips so that I could take small sips. At first I could remember very little, though one person held the majority of my thoughts.

'Did she go?' I asked tentatively once I had drunk my fill, not sure that I was ready to hear the answer. I vaguely remembered the encounter in Lexa's tent though little of what had been said.

'She refused to leave your side' my mom told me with a small smile, quickly replaced by a wince when an unmistakable voice filtered through into the medical bay. With some effort I lifted my head from the pillow and understood my mom's reaction when I saw Lexa outside the door, her posture tense as she unleashed her anger on a rather tired looking Marcus.

Her voice was barely audible through the closed door but there was no mistaking the edge of anger that sharpened her tone. I let out a small sigh, wondering briefly what trouble they had now gotten themselves into.

'Do you know how long I've been trying to convince her to get some rest? It must be days since she's had any proper sleep' my mom told me with a disbelieving shake of her head. 'I suggested she take a break or even just go for a short walk around camp. Do you know how hard it is to get her to do something when she's set against it?'

I just smiled and relaxed back against the pillow; I knew better than anyone just how difficult Lexa could be at times. The sound of the door sliding back was heard before I could reply and a second later I lifted my head to see Lexa striding towards us, her anger melting away in an instant when she saw that I was awake.

'Clarke, how are you feeling?' she asked softly, coming to a stop at the end of the bed, her eyes flicking over me in concern. Her tone was gentle and held none of the previous anger that had been directed at Kane, clearly relieved to see that I was finally awake.

'Hurts' I replied briefly, a beat of silence passing as Lexa and I shared a knowing smile. My mom's gaze flicked between us as the moment stretched on, not understanding the private reference.

'Well I'd best go and check how Marcus is faring' my mom said to break the silence as she rose to her feet, giving the Commander a small nod as she headed out of the room to where Kane was rubbing his forehead with a frown.

'Was I imagining it or did you and my mom just stay in the same room for more than five minutes without having a heated argument?' I mumbled once my mom had left, shifting slightly to find a more comfortable position on the bed.

'Let's just say we found some common ground when it comes to your wellbeing' Lexa replied with a small smile, still watching me carefully as she spoke. I should've known that if they were going to bond over anything then it would be my recovery.

Pulling myself upright was turning out to be more of a challenge than I had previously anticipated, hissing through tightly clenched teeth when pain sparked through my torso. Lexa abandoned her spot at the end of the bed in an instant and moved over to my side with a concerned expression.

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