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One week later, I strode through the quiet camp, impatiently waiting for Lexa to finish her council meeting so I could talk to her about the idea of going out with the other warriors to scout the woods.

After the recent death of the Grounder, patrols had been doubled in size for their own safety and had been going out more frequently in an attempt to drive away any nearby panthers, the last thing we needed was any number of them prowling into camp.

I had been stood by idly in camp for the last seven days, waiting on news when each of them returned. Sometimes they encountered nothing, others ran across a number of the beasts, attempting to kill or drive them away at the very least.

I felt more than useless just hanging around with nothing but endless meetings with the higher ranking grounders which often regarded the new changes or other, smaller issues that still had to be dealt with despite the recent danger. 

I wanted to do something to help, how could I organize patrols to go out and risk their lives if I was not willing to do the same.

I had woken up later than usual today and knew that the council meeting Lexa was attending had already begun, so I had missed my chance to consult with her at the first available opportunity. Now she could be held up with the discussion for a good few hours.

I berated myself for not catching her before the meeting started but all I could do now was wait and hope that it finished fairly quickly. 

I weaved my way through the numerous huts that were scattered around, thinking that the movement would make the time go faster. 

I stopped short by the holding area for prisoners, a deep pit that had been dug into the ground, only accessible by descending some stairs down into the darkness. It was a replica of the one that had been used back at TonDc, a large iron gate securing anyone being held inside. 

Passing the pit, I had happened to glance down through the wooden bars to see a motionless body lying below. 

I hadn't heard of anyone being captured so I was more surprised than anything, dropping to my knees to see better when the figure began to stir. 

They let out a heavy groan of pain, most likely caused by the lengthy drop which the Grounders most certainly threw them down. 

The light only faintly touched the bottom of the pit and I could not see who the prisoner was. Hearing movement from above, the figure glanced up slowly and coughed sharply before calling up from the darkness.

'Hello? Who's there?' they asked, breaking into a cough that shook their entire body, still recovering from the drop. 

I froze at the sound, recognizing the voice immediately, though not believing what I was hearing. I hoped that I was wrong about the identity of the figure below me but had a growing feeling that I wasn't. 

'Bellamy? Is that you?' I called down tentatively, hoping that I was wrong though there was little doubt. The voice had been slightly raspy from what I could only assume was lack of water, but there was no mistaking that voice.

'Clarke? Yeah it's me, where the hell am I?' he called back up, his voice now steadier and sounding stronger. I didn't understand what he was doing down there but first I had to get him out.

'Hang on a sec, I'm coming down' I told him, standing up and brushing the dirt from my knees before quickly jogging over to where a number of steps had been worked into the ground and I descended them without hesitation. 

As the light faded away I waited a moment to allow my eyes to adjust before continuing. Once at the bottom, a bulky Grounder loomed ominously in front of me, blocking my path to the gate. 

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