Kill Shot

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My head whirled as I stumbled through the dark forest, unable to stop thinking about what Lexa had done. It reminded me of how different they were from us, their ways were a lot more brutal than I ever could have ever imagined.

I had grabbed one of the torches earlier on my way out of the camp so I wasn't left in complete darkness. The landscape was a lot different at night and it was hard to know if I was going in the right direction.

I had been traveling for about 20 minuutes when I arrived at the small clearing that was the halfway point between the two camps.

Taking a deep breath I slowed my pace, allowing my aching muscles the chance to rest. After a few minutes I was about set off again when the sound of a twig snapping caught my attention.

I froze and listened carefully, in my haste to return to camp I hadn't been even thought about the danger I faced from the reapers.

Doing a three-sixty turn, I scanned the entire forest but nothing was to be seen. I drove the torch into the ground before reaching for my gun, scanning the woods warily the entire time.

After a few seconds of listening intently I heard twigs snapping behind me again and I whirled around, gun raised to shoot.

I stopped short when I saw the figure emerging from the trees.

'Raven? What the hell are you doing out here? I almost shot you' I told her, my heart pounding, but really I was just relieved that it wasn't a reaper.

Raven didn't respond but came to a stop a few metres in front of me.

'Raven?' I asked warily, unsure what she was doing. My breath caught in my throat when she raised her gun, pointing it straight at me.

'I tried Clarke, I really did but I just couldn't' she told me quietly and I watched her carefully.

'You couldn't do what?' I asked, my voice shaking slightly.

'I couldn't forget what you did to Finn' she said, lifting her dark eyes to mine and I saw the pain that filled them.

'I gave you that knife Clarke, but you weren't meant to kill him.' she continued, shifting slightly into a more comfortable position. I kept my eyes focused on the gun in her hand, surely she wouldn't shoot me?
In the dim torchlight I saw a flicker of movement over Ravens shoulder and was suprised to see Lexa approaching silently through the trees.

As she reached for her throwing knife I shook my head slightly, I didn't want Raven getting hurt.

'I loved him Clarke, even when he only had eyes for you, I couldn't escape how I felt' Raven continued, brushing away a tear from her watering eyes.

Lexa was almost close enough to disarm her, I just had to keep Raven talking for a little longer.

'Raven, I understand your pain, but this isn't the way to deal with it' I insisted, hoping that she would see sense.

'What would you know? You just acted like nothing had happened after you plunged a knife into the heart of the man I loved' she accused angrily.

I opened my mouth to reply but my heart skipped a beat when she turned to face Lexa. 'Do you think I'm stupid? Move' she ordered, gesturing back to me.

Now that she wasn't facing me I could've tried to disarm her but I wasn't going to risk anything whilst the gun was pointed at Lexa.

'I said move' Raven repeated angrily. Lexa slowly began to walk towards me, the gun trained on her the entire way. Once she was stood by my side, Raven pointed the gun at me once again.

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