Welcome to Polis

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I let my mind wander as we steadily rose up through the tower in Polis. The two warriors stood either side of me, their eyes fixed straight ahead as they maintained their usual silence. The journey from camp Jaha had taken a few days and they had rarely spoken more than a few words at a time unless strictly necessary. Most of our time had been spent on horseback with little opportunity to talk, riding through each day to stop just before nightfall to set up camp.

On the third day I had spotted the iconic tower of Polis in the distance from where we halted at the top of a raised section of land. I had questioned one of the warriors about the structure but had merely received a single nod when I had asked if that was our destination. We were soon moving again and after the days of silent travel it was a relief to know that we were close to capitol.

I was mildly surprised when I was led away from the main path and through a network of tunnels that seemed to be a separate access point to the city as opposed to the main entrance. I knew better than to question the warrior's decisions and followed silently. Only at the end of the tunnel did one warrior tell me to stay put, continuing on to the exit whilst the other grounder waited by my side. My questions were once again met with more silence and I had no choice but to wait impatiently for the warrior to return, a piece of material gripped in his hand when he did.

He held the material out and told me to put it on, not intending to go any further until I had done so. After a small hesitation I took the hood from him and within a few seconds had it wrapped around my neck and hanging loosely over my head, concealing the majority of my face. Soon after the two warriors took positions on either side of me and with a gruff instruction to keep my head down they escorted me out of the dim tunnel and into the early morning light.

There was little to see with the hood in place, my surroundings unknown as the warriors at my side set a quick pace across what I assumed was some kind of courtyard from the cobbled stones underfoot.

My thoughts snapped back to the present when the elevator jolted beneath us and slowly drew to a halt. It seemed we had finally reached our destination. I soon forgot about my recent journey when it dawned on me just how close I was to seeing Lexa again, my weariness ebbing away to be replaced with anticipation. I wondered how she would react, would she have wanted me to come to Polis? She did ask all those months ago, before we had attacked the mountain and I assumed her offer still stood. I could only hope that I had made the right choice; there was no turning back now.

The elevator shuddered to a stop and the doors slid open, the two guards staying on either side of me as they escorted me down a corridor towards a set of doors. They walked me right up to double doors before taking place outside before knocking firmly on the frame to announce our presence.

My heart fluttered when I heard Lexa call out to enter, though I noted the hint of annoyance that clipped her tone. She was clearly under a lot of pressure from what she had said in her note and I was reluctant to disturb her at such a time but it didn't look like there were many alternative options.

The warriors complied by pushing open the doors and gestured for me to enter, pulling them shut once more behind me. Lexa did not look up as I entered; focused instead on a discussion she was having with Indra in a hushed tone. Indra glanced over to identify who had entered and her words trailed off when she saw who was stood uncertainly by the door.

Lexa frowned when the warrior fell silent, her eyes flicking up to see what had caught her interest and finally her gaze fell on me.

'Clarke?' she breathed softly, her voice barely audible even in the sudden quiet that had fallen over the room. The soft tone betrayed her appearance, dressed up in her customary battle gear, her eyes dark with war paint, a red sash flowing from her left shoulder over the buckles and straps of her armour.

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