We Fight

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Lexa's pov

The trees flew by in a blur of green and brown as my horse tore through the woods that I knew so well, a collection of 40 warriors following closely at my back. The majority of them were also on horseback, some even riding double to increase numbers that would make up the first attack. As Commander I rode alone, only one other had ever been permitted to share my horse. Those following on foot would act as reinforcements if needed, assisting as a secondary assault on the Reapers. 

My thoughts lingered on the Skaikru leader that had remained at TonDc to treat the wounded warrior, her own injury having sealed my decision to bring Nyko in her place to the battle at camp Jaha. A few warriors had also been left at TonDc to defend it if any Reapers dared to make a move whilst we defended the Skaikru camp. I allowed myself a moment to think of Clarke before focusing my mind on the task ahead, Clarke was fully capable of taking care of herself in anything did occur. Right now I had to ensure that her people were not slaughtered, I would not be returning with news of how her mother and friends had perished in the attack. 

Recognizing that we were now close to the Skaikru camp our pace slowed drastically and I with a signal I ordered the warriors behind me to come to a halt. Indra and three other warriors broke away from the body of horses to accompany me to assess the situation. Despite the urgency that was required, my warriors would not be engaging in battle until I knew the enemies position and numbers. Charging blindly into a fight was a fools error that would get everyone slaughtered. I had seen it first hand from previous leaders and I would not be making the same mistake. 

The trees began to thin out up ahead as I pulled my horse to a halt, camp Jaha clearly visible on the slight rise, torches flickering in the darkness that marked the boundary fence. There was little movement from within which gave me reason to suspect that Octavia's group had yet to arrive and warn them of the incoming attack. The only other explanation was that their word had not been taken seriously, though I doubted that the stubborn Sky girl would have much problem convincing her people. 

My gaze was drawn further south of the metal building where after a few moments of close observation I saw dark figures converging on the edge of the southern tree line, not yet noticeable to the Ark which remained oblivious to the danger. Returning my gaze to the Ark I was frustrated to see that their borders remained undefended, if the Reapers did choose to attack at this moment than there was little time for the camp to organize any form of defense to withstand the assault. 

My horse shifted under me as I surveyed the landscape ahead, one of the warriors at my back approaching with caution as the seconds passed by. I was not oblivious to their impatience, with the enemy in sight many would be eager to ride upon them and slay them where they stood.

'Heda, would you have me inform the others to begin the charge?' he inquired, the horse beneath him snorting in the cool air as I never once took my eyes away from the camp in the distance. Finally I was beginning to see some movement from within, faint noise seeping across the open space as guards moved to take up position at the camp entrance to ward away their attackers. 

'Not yet' I told the warrior firmly, something was not quite right. With a bowed head he moved back  to his previous position, knowing better than to question my decision. The Reapers towards the south of camp remained in place, not making any move yet to attack. This concerned me more than anything, Reapers were not known for battle tactics though with the mountain leader giving commands I was wary of their plans. I turned to address Indra who remained at my side, also watching the camp intently. 

'Indra, take half of the warriors and position them a discrete distance behind the Reapers. Only once they move to attack the camp will you lead the charge.'

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