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During my entire stay on the ground I could not remember a single moment when I had slept as well as I had last night. Despite the recent news regarding the unrest in Polis, all thought of what was to come slipped away as I fell into a deep slumber enveloped by the fur quilt that was draped over me. My peaceful sleep was only broken when a sharp clatter sounded from nearby and I groggily cracked my eyes open to see a blurry figure, my hand instinctively grasping for the knife that I had placed as an afterthought under my pillow the previous night.

My grip on the weapon relaxed when my vision cleared and I saw the handmaiden bending to pick up the tray that had fallen from the table. She bowed her head when she saw that I was awake, mumbling apologies for disturbing my rest.

'What are you doing?' I questioned the girl, relaxing now that there was no threat of attack.

'Heda told me to prepare breakfast for when you woke, she has business to attend and won't be able to join you' she explained, clasping her hands in front of her as she spoke. 'I will leave you to change and eat.'

I watched her leave before hauling myself out of the warm bed and pulled on some trousers and a plain shirt before sitting down with a plate of food on my lap. I was still rather full from the meal the previous day so did not eat huge amounts, taking my time as I considered what I was to do for the day.

The handmaiden soon returned to clear the table and I asked her if I would be able to go out and explore the city. If Lexa was busy then I had to find something to occupy my day with.

'Heda made her orders clear that you are not to leave the tower until after the meeting tomorrow, anything you require in the meantime is to be delivered to you upon request.'

It was not what I wanted to hear but I could occupy myself for a day or two until this meeting took place.

'What's your name?' I inquired, curious to know more about the girl.

'Kyla,' she told me after a slight hesitation, seemingly surprised that I bothered to ask.

'Why don't you sit and tell me what the city is like?' I suggested, time would pass far quicker with someone to speak to.

'I apologise Wanheda but I have some other duties that I must first attend,' she explained, pausing for a moment as she considered my words. 'Perhaps later if that suits you?'

I nodded eagerly, telling her to come by whenever she was free. With a final nod she departed and left me to do as I pleased, not that there were many options. For a while I merely stood by the window and gazed out over the view, hoping to find some inspiration to start off some drawings of the city but I felt no such desire.

With a sigh I went out to inform my guards that I wished to be supplied with some of the charcoal that Lexa had mentioned the day before and within the hour a small package was delivered to my room and I settled down with my new sketch book.

I stared down at the blank page and thought of all the wonderful drawings that I could create but I lacked the enthusiasm to start. On the Ark I had drawn Earth and what I pictured it to be like, but now that I was here it was even more spectacular then I could've imagined.

Kyla's arrival saved me from the blank white page and I called for her to enter, watching as she walked over to stand by my chair. She seemed somewhat nervous and I gestured for her to take a seat, waiting until she had perched on the chair opposite before speaking.

'You don't have to be so tense,' I said gently, placing the sketchbook down as I noted her stiff posture and clasped hands.

'Apologies Wanheda,' she said quietly and made a clear effort to ease back into the chair somewhat. I had heard the title a few times since my arrival in the capitol and I was always left wondering what it meant.

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