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After having been waiting for what seemed like an eternity for the council to summon me, it was no wonder that I was feeling irritated.

I had arrived at camp Jaha early that morning and now it was edging into late afternoon, the time having dragged so slowly it felt like much longer.

At first I had caught up with my friends, joined in on a few conversations, but after a few hours I had emerged from the Ark, unable to stay cooped up inside any longer.

After trying to come up with something, well anything to do, I had finally taken to prowling the perimeter of the camp, stalking the boundary like a caged animal.

The guards on duty watched from the gate with carefully concealed expressions, wary of my steadily deteriorating mood.

Even the Grounders knew better than to bother me, the only person seemingly not getting the message was my mom, who I had noticed numerable times trying to approach me though each time she was blocked by Octavia.

She knew how disastrous my moms timing was and told her has much, advising her to give me some space and that I would go to her when I was ready.

My mom had eventually given up trying to find a way around Octavia, but she reminded persistent and settled down on a log by the main door to keep an eye on me.

This only fuelled my frustration as I continued to pace back and forth, constantly aware of her gaze.

When I was certain she was going to try her luck once more I abandoned my pacing and settled with perching with the other Grounders by the fire, one place I knew my mom would not attempt to follow me.

She scowled in annoyance at my evasion but thankfully retreated into the Ark, for now giving up her efforts.

I saw Raven emerge a few minutes later, casting a searching eye around the camp, limping in my direction when she caught sight of me.

She sank down onto the log opposite me without hesitation, casting a wide smile to the Grounder beside her who was carefully sharpening his sword.

It was almost comical to see Raven dwarfed beside the hulking Grounder, not showing any sign of intimidation as she leaned closer to inspect his blade.

'Ooooh nice sword, I wouldn't want to meet you in a dark forest. Well actually, if I had to choose between you or Abby it would be a tough choice because she sure did look pissed just now' she told the Grounder who looked down on her with an expression of disdain, apparently unimpressed by Ravens attempt at conversation and returned to sharpening his sword, ignoring her existence completely.

I chuckled at Ravens feigned upset as she pulled back slightly, looking over at me with a cheeky grin.

'Woah, he needs to find something called a sense of humour' she told me with a wink, causing me to smile at the absurdity of the situation.

Raven never ceased to amaze me and I shook my head at her in disbelief, no one else would have the nerve to sit so close to a Grounder, let alone tease him whilst he had a weapon in hand.

'That's the first time I've heard you laugh since we got here' Raven said, her tone light though she was now serious. 'What's been up with you?'

I looked down at the ground and scuffed my boot into the dirt, not knowing how to answer.

'I suppose I just want to get into this meeting already, I've spent enough time waiting' I replied, though I felt that it was more than just that putting me on edge.

Raven looked like she wanted to say more but over her shoulder I saw Bellamy motioning for me, apparently to escort me to the council.

'Looks like you won't be waiting any longer' Raven said, glancing over her shoulder to where I was looking.

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