Not Over Yet

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The battle had begun at the setting of the sun the previous day and now, as I made my way back to camp, the forest was shining in the early morning light.

The 8 hour travel took me the best part of the day but I enjoyed the walk, it was peaceful in a way and now that my friends were safe the worry had lifted from my shoulders and I could relax slightly.

As the camp came into view I saw armed guards lining the electric fence that served as a protective barrier, the electricity flowing through the wire would knock you unconscious with a single touch.

As I approached, a voice called for the guards to hold their fire before the gate was slowly swung open. I trudged wearily past the barrier, not having stopped moving since setting off from Mount Weather.

The gate closed with a clang behind me and I was greeted by Ray, a soldier who had taken the place of Major Byrnes as lead guard.

'Clarke, it's good to see you, Bellamy told us that we won the battle. You're friends are in the medical room' he said, gesturing towards the ark.

'Thanks, I'll go and see them now. I don't think you need so many guards at the fence' I added as an afterthought, noting how tired they had seemed earlier.

'I'll see' he replied tightly 'you look exhausted, you should get some rest.'

A shout from the guards cut off my response and we turned to the fence where three grounders were pulling their horses to a stop. For a minute I thought it was Lexa but as they entered the camp I saw that it was Indra at the front of the trio and from the dark expression on her face I knew that she wasn't bringing good news.

'On second thoughts, maybe it would be best to keep the guards where they are for the minute' I said to Ray.

The Grounders jumped down from their horses a few meters away, a number of guards warily training their weapons on the three of them.

'Put your weapons down and return to the gate' I ordered sharply, not wanting to risk offending Indra who was shooting dark looks at the men. After a nod from Ray the guards reluctantly returned to their positions.

'Clarke, we need to speak in private' Indra said, not wasting any time on greetings. It looked like my rest would have to wait though I could barely stand I was so tired.

Ray started to follow us as we walked towards the ark but the two other grounders stood at the entrance, blocking him out. He raised his voice in protest and we turned back to face him.

'Lexa's orders, I am to speak only to Clarke' she told Ray who fumed angrily in response but took a step back, knowing that he had no chance of getting past the two armed Grounders.

'Where can we speak?' Indra asked and I lead her into the command room.

'So what's happened?' I asked, standing on one side of the circular table, not wanting to sit down and risk not being able to rise again. Instead I shifted my weight from foot to foot to relieve the pressure.

' A number of mountain men managed to escape from the base once the fighting started, one of them being Cage Wallace, The man in charge of everything in the base' she told me, her hand resting on the hilt of her sword.

Of all the people to escape it had to be him, the man who had ordered the bone marrow transplants and had kept my friends prisoner.

'It gets worse doesn't it?' I sighed, Indra wouldn't come all the way here just to tell me that. She nodded in response.

'When we attacked the base the reapers fled from the mines into the forest, Lexa sent me to warn you that we don't know how many of them there are or where they are. The worst part is that the Mountain Men that fled took the condotioning devices with them as well as the Red syrum.'

What Indra was telling me was that the Mountain Men could possibly be planning an attack by controlling the reapers. Just when I thought it was over there was another problem we had to face.

'Okay, thanks for letting me know' I said, rubbing my head tiredly. 'Where is Lexa anyway?' I asked after a second, trying not to appear suspicious by asking. Indra fixed her steel gaze on me and I returned the look steadily.

'The commander is busy with the clan, plans are being made to rebuild the village. She also has meetings with other clan leaders to attend' she finally replied. 'She felt the need to inform you privately of the recent problems, not wanting to cause a panic in your camp.'

I nodded, that made sense and I was thank full that Lexa had been thoughtful enough to have me told in private.

Sensing that the meeting had come to an end I led Indra back to the entrance of the ark, the two grounders falling into place behind her as they returned to their horses. I followed behind to ensure that the guards at the fence didn't cause any trouble.

As I neared the gate, Ray stormed over from where he had been waiting for us to emerge. He grabbed my arm tightly, pulling me to a sharp stop where he stood.

I looked at him in surprise, the anger written clearly on his features.

'I know you think you're some kind of big-shot with the Grounders now but here you are a minor, I am the commanding officer and in the chancellors absence I am in charge. Do you understand?' he growled furiously, tightening his grip on my arm. 'You do not give orders to my guards and you most certainly do not do anything without my permission, no more secret meetings with them' he spat, clearly meaning the grounders 'or you will be in serious trouble.'

My surprise was quickly replaced by annoyance at his threatening words.

'Don’t ever grab me like that again' I warned him in a low voice, ripping my arm out of his grasp. 'What did you mean in the absence of the chancellor' I asked with slight confusion.

A smirk lifted on his lips at my words. 'You're mother rode out to Mount Weather shortly before you arrived, the Grounders could use her medical skills, so she left as soon as possible. She obviously didn't even think to tell you, like I said, you have no standing in this camp. You're a criminal here just the same as you were on the Ark, don't let any fantasies of power let you forget that' he responded bluntly, turning on his heel and striding away from me without a backward glance.

I stood in silent shock for a moment processing what he had said. I hoped that my mom would get to Mount Weather safely but didn't understand why she hadn't wanted to tell me. Then it dawned on me that she was still angry about my role in the destruction of TonDc.

I looked over to where Indra was watching me silently from atop her horse, she had seen the whole argument. I internally sighed, knowing that she had heard every word. It was never good to look powerless in front of Grounders, especially Indra of all people.

'You shouldn't let him talk to you like that' Indra told me, as if I'd had any choice. 'You have a strength in you Clarke, don't let people like that walk over you.'

There was no love lost between the two of them, an instant dislike having formed between them from their first meeting. The guards opened the gates and Indra wheeled her horse around before the three quickly sped away, back to their clan. 

I watched them go before heading back towards the ark to find my friends, I felt Ray's sharp gaze on my back the entire way, reminding me that not everyone in this camp felt as I did about the alliance with the grounders. Many, like Ray, disagreed with it and would rather go to war.

Indra's words had been unexpected, she wasn't generally friendly to me, putting up with me more than anything. I wondered what had brought about her sudden change of heart. I didn't have long to dwell on my thoughts as I saw Bellamy walking towards me from the other end of the corridor. 

He had obviously cleaned up, wearing a fresh change of clothes, his hair washed and face scrubbed of dirt. It was relief to see him again.

The distance soon closed between us and he pulled me into a tight hug. He released me a moment later and we just stood like two idiots beaming at each other.

'Come on princess, you look exhausted, the others are just down here' he said with a smile and wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

Even with the new threats against us that had just come to light, I pushed my worry's aside. I would deal with them later, for now I was just glad that we were safe though for how long I couldn't say.

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