Tell Me I'm Wrong

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Days turned into weeks as we worked on improving the protection of the camp. The number of guards on duty doubled and a ditch was dug around the outside perimeter of the fence, leaving only the front entrance as an access point.

In terms of stopping any attacks from reapers, it would be very effective, but this made getting out by any other way near impossible as the ditch had been filled with sharp stakes. Getting through the electric fence was the least of your problems.

I had spent lots of time with my friends, having not been allowed by Ray to participate in any meetings before my mom had returned and immediately overruled him, much to his annoyance.

It seemed Ray had been busy turning the guards against me and the grounders so I always had plenty of dark looks being sent my way.

I had hardly seen Raven since returning from Mount Weather, she would leave a room if I entered, avoiding me like the plague.  She still blamed me for Finn's death and I didn't know how to make things between us right.

After being stuck in camp for even just a few days, I had been desperate to leave but mom had made sure that no one was to leave the camp without her permission. She was wary of attacks from reapers so I had not been allowed within 10 feet of the gate without her knowing. She knew me well enough to know that the electric fence would not stop me so the guards were under order not to let me pass the gate for any exception.

I knew that she was just being protective but I had survived before she had come to Earth and I would continue to do so now.

It was mid-afternoon and I was sat in the dining area with my friends, ignoring the dirty looks that the guard on duty was giving me. I wasn't the only one to notice, Jasper looked between the two of us, trying to figure out what was wrong. I just shook my head at his confused expression, I didn't want to drag any of my friends into this mess.

Most of the ark was aware of the hostility between me and the guards, though they didn't realize that just this once it hadn't been anything that I had done wrong. Many people kept their heads down as I passed, skirting carefully around me with averted eyes, this made me wonder what runours had been spread around. I sighed just thinking about it.

I was broken out of my thoughts when Bellamy came rushing into the room. 'Clarke, come on, they're here' he told me breathlessly and I lept up from the table and followed him out, leaving my bewildered friends staring after us.

Walking out of the ark, I saw a crowd of people warily watching the fence where two Grounders had stopped their horses. They made no move to dismount, instead remaining unmoving like statues.

I quickly pushed passed the gawping people to where my mom stood with Ray, the guards at the fence pointing their guns at the motionless Grounders.

'Mom, open the gate' I said, coming to a stop beside her, not understanding why they hadn't been let inside already.

'I can't do that Clarke' she apologized, keeping her eyes fixed straight a head. Ray stood triumphantly beside her and I wondered what he had been saying.

'Then at least get the guards to stand down, they are not the enemy' I insisted, trying to get through to her.

'We don't know that Clarke, for all we know they could be planning an attack on us next' she replied, crossing her arms in front of her.

Before I could respond one of the Grounders spoke up.

'Clarke Griffin' he growled, his rough voice muffled slightly by his imposing mask. I immediately started to walk forwards but Ray placed himself in front of me.

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