coming home

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Hello boys and girls here is the first chapter of my knights of the round table story which I hope will make you guys happy. Now these first few chapters will not involve anyone of the knights of the round table but y/n parents for reasons you will see why. Now for my question of the day and that is which of the knights aside from y/n and author seemed the most interesting to you guys? For me I would have to say that it is breunor since out of all the knights he will have more... Independent story's from the other knights the other knights who'll get chapters on there own but breunor have more as of writing this. Now with all of this said and done let's get on with the story.

Balinor POV

Dont own and this is what balinor looks like just age him down twenty three years

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Dont own and this is what balinor looks like just age him down twenty three years.

I looked on at storms end the seat of the lords of the stormlands which is now recently my brother Steffon, after our father was killed in the war of five kings. I took a drink remembering the last words that my father had told me, he wanted me to marry since from a young age I knew that the stormlands position was horse shite so we needed to make alliances.

Steffon:"so balinor, are you going to go through with our fathers last wishes?"

I looked behind me seeing my older brother Steffon still looking glum and if I were to be honest with myself I don't blame him after what happened to father. I nodded since me and father didn't agree on much but I'll do this one thing.

Balinor:"yes, who did you have in mind brother?"

I took a drink of wine from my cup.

Steffon:"lord Penrose has a daughter that me and father thought would be acceptable."

I nodded since I guess there are worse houses out there, at least I will be marrying a stormlands house.

Balinor:"what about you brother? Who will you marry to make the new lord of storms end?"

Steffon:"father and I already talked about that before we went off to fight the band of nine, I am to marry cassana estermont."

So we both now have wife's from the stormlands waiting for us back home, guess it will be a double wedding, I took another drink of my wine.

Steffon:"please be kind to the lady brother, her previous betrothed died from the chill."

I spat out my wine and looked at my brother since I am now getting some lords left overs.

Balinor:"what the fuck! I'm getting this lady because the previous guy gone and left this world!"

Steffon:"yes, now be nice since she will be waiting for us in storms end when we arrive."

Then I remembered something which I know my brother hasn't forgotten.

Balinor:"have you sent a raven to mother telling her about what happend to father?"

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