the lions marriage.

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Hello boys and girls here is the next chapter of my game of thrones story, so from the title of this chapter I'm sure that most of you know when this chapter is set. now for my question of the day and that is if you were born as Tywin son/daughter how do you think you would handle it since let's be honest he is quite the character but he leaves a lot to be desired in terms of being a father. For me i think I would just go along with whatever he said since I know there is no use in fighting back since I would basically be a bird in a large and luxurious cage. Now with that all said and done let's get on with the chapter.

Year 263

Balinor POV

I sat atop my horse as my older brother was riding to westerlands so he can attend his friends wedding to his soon to be wife. I along with one hundred and forty nine others were following him to the west, we also brought our wife's since there would be a tourney and I planned to make some coin from it. I didn't really know lord Tywin that well as he was more Steffon friend than mine, it won't stop me from taking part in the tourney, I even heard that the king and his hair would also be taking part, Steffon, Tywin, and the crown prince all became friends on the step stones while I decided to have some more, lower men as mine.

Balinor:"so, I didn't get much from this Tywin guy when we last saw him Steffon, what is he like since you sent to like him."

I looked at my brother hoping that he would be able to shed some light of Tywin personality since he did seem to want to have any friends aside from people he was as his equal.

Steffon:"well, I would say that he is a hard man but a good one, you just need to give him a chance and not dance on top of his brother."

I could tell that he was very disapproving of me actions back at the step stones but back then they were a joke before Tywin dealt with the reyne's and tarbeck's, now they are a threat.

Balinor:"I'll do my best not to make the Same mistake twice."

Steffon shook his head side to side.

Steffon:"we both know you don't mean those words balinor, but please don't make a fool of yourself."

I nodded and we continued on our journey deeper into the westerlands making little small talk as we did so, eventually after little more than an hour of riding the great castle of casterly rock came into view. One of the largest castles in all seven of the kingdom's, maybe even the biggest as it was carved into a mountain and stood there times higher than the wall in the north, according to tales but that is a load of horse shite. Then we also saw the city of lannisport below it with tents and pavilions outside the city and men setting up for the tourney while performers were all around the camp. The city of lannisport seemed to be busy filled with ships at the docks, merchants selling there wears, whores walking out of buildings and tents.

Balinor:"guess this tourney has quite the prize for the winner."

I smiled since the gold that will bring me will be large, I'm not much of an archer but I am great in melee and jousting.

Steffon:"do you really need more gold brother? You have enough gold right now to build a tower house of your own."

I looked at Steffon.

Balinor:"I don't need it, but my kids wont inherent any lands, so I want to leave them with a good fortune when I pass so they can make there own way in life."

Steffon:"they will always be welcome at storms end."

I turned to Steffon with a smirk on my face.

Balinor:"are you trying to steal my wealth brother? And I thought that you liked me."

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