newly wed's

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Hello boys and girls here is the next chapter of my game of thrones story which I hope that all of you are enjoying the story so far as well as like the angle in starting this. Now for my question of the day and that is what do you think Balinor weapon/weapons of choice will be in the story? Now let's get on with the story which will be set on balinor and Hunith honeymoon.

Balinor POV

I looked out of the window of the Inn me and my new wife were going to be living in for a week, the place we decided to stay at was lys a free city known for its beautiful people.

Balinor:"quite a site, now let's drink some wine."

I walked over to the table there there was a jug of wine from the arbour, Hunith still looked out the window since it was a nice view.

Hunith:"wouldn't this be a nice place to live balinor? The sun, the view, the people."

Balinor:"the constant wars, lack of influence."

I pored the wine into the goblet which a smirk on my face.

Hunith:"nice to see that you let people live in there fantasy's."

I picked up my goblet, turning around to Hunith raising my goblet in the air to her sarcastic comment but the truth is I'm just a realist. Hunith then started to walk over to me while I took a drink of the goblet as well as placing the jug in the table, when Hunith reached me she placed her hands on my hips.

Hunith:"well, if I can't have my fantasy then I guess I'll just have to have something in reality."

I smirked liking where this was going and was about to take another drink but Hunith took it off of me placing it onto the table.

Hunith:"and that is seeing this city while we can enjoy it before going back."

I nodded and the two of us walked out of the room in the inn we were staying at closing the door behind us to see this city. When we walked out of the Inn we looked around to see if there was anything special here, we walked through the beautiful yet strange buildings of this city, well strange to us.

Hunith:"there is so much to do, what would you like to see or do?"

I shrugged my shoulders since there really wasn't much that I could think of but I did remember a promise I made.

Balinor:"well I promised to get my mother and brother a gift so if you don't mind could we do that first?"

Hunith:"of course, I could get some gifts for my family."

We nodded but we looked around since we didn't really know where to go in this city and I don't speak the language.

Balinor:"so, what directions do you think the markets would be?"

Gaius:"perhaps I could be of assistance lord balinor."

I turned to the maester who was here to help with Hunith, he was an older man than me with some white in his shoulder length Brown hair begining to show. Around his neck was a maesters chain with all sorts of metals, his face had a few wrinkles with a rather plain face.

 Around his neck was a maesters chain with all sorts of metals, his face had a few wrinkles with a rather plain face

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