Wrong choice

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Hello there boys and girls i hope that all for you are enjoying this story and are ready for the next chapter of my game of thrones/a song of ice and fire story which i hope that all of you are enjoying as much as I am writing it for you guys and girls. Now for my question of the day and that is what do you think y/n place in the world will be as he in the eyes of the world will not inherit anything, he will need to find his own place in the world. I would like to know what you all think and now with that all said and done lets get on with the story shall we.

Hunith POV

looking down at the jousting field holding y/n in my hands I smiled as with some great effort and the help of Gaius and Gran, I was able to make it to see the joust, I missed the melee but from the news I heard Balinor won it like he always won at tourneys but unlike all the other ones he was unhorsed from his horse  by the crown prince. After Balinor won the melee there was a feast that he did not attend, instead he spent his time with me and y/n, though I worry how this will affect him as during the feast the king came into the feast with his kings guard. We would not figure that out until Gran brought us plates of food he brought up from the feast that was meant for us.

Balinor:"sorry to keep you waiting Hunith, who's up now?"

I looked at Balinor and smiled as he sat next to me as y/n looked over to his father.

Hunith:"it is Rhagar against one of the knights of the kings guard, Barristan the bold."

Balinor, nodded and he played with y/n with his finger as y/n, tired to grab a hold of his finger that he could never get a good grip on. He was so transfixed with his own son that he missed the first charge which both of the knights broke their lances on one another.

Hunith:"are you not going to watch this Balinor, this is the first time that you have ever been in the stands to watch a tourney."

Balinor:"no, I have y/n, he is more entertaining than this."

I smiled, he seemed so happy and so was I, he would be my last child and I will not let anything happen to him, even if I must be killed I will make sure that this child will live a long and good life. When I looked back at the joust seeing both knights charge at each other again and a thought came to me, since Rhaegar is the crown prince and Barristan is a knight of the kings guard, would that mean Barristan would throw the joust? When they crashed into each other again with aloud shattering of lances I was worried that the loud noises would make y/n cry but he seemed fine with the loud noises, he certainly is his fathers son.

Balinor:"are you okay though, you seem to be a little tense, you have refused to let the wet nurses feed y/n."

Hunith:"He is our last child Balinor, I will not let someone else feed him, if i do not prduce enough milk then I will give him to a wet nurse."

I wanted y/n, to always know that i would look after him even if he is a man grown with his own kids, no matter what he will be my baby boy, my miracle.

Balinor:"so, how has your brother and father reacted to seeing y/n?"

I smiled again, bigger than I had done before.

Hunith:"my father was happy seeing his first grandson he even asked that we allow y/n to be fostered at Parchments, Cortnay on the other hand seemed more worried about me, II had to remind him that his nephew was in my arms. What about your nephews, how have they reacted to the news of there new cousin?"

Balinor:"I'm not sure they are really interested in y/n, I'm sure they will care for him but as for right now he is a babe, both Robert and Stannis are grown and Robert has a daughter in the vale who is older that y/n, as for Renly he is just four, he is more interested in his toys rather than his new cousin."

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