the final tilts

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Hello boys and girls here is the next chapter of my game of thrones knights of the round table story which has been prepared in advance for you all. Now for my question of the day and that is what do you think Balinor and Hunith will be up to when they return from this tourney? Now before you answer what I mean by that is what events in the history of a song of Ice and fire/game of thrones? I'll say that they have a part in some but I'll leave you guys to guess which ones. Now let's get on with the story shall we.

Balinor POV

I sat atop my horse along with the other three knights, we were the last four in the Tourney. They were me, Sir Kevin lannister, Sir Arthur Dayne, the sword of the morning, and sir Randyll Tarly, the heir to horn hill. The tourney fight have been decided to be me against the sword of the morning and Kevin against Randyll. The first of the jousts was Kevin and Randyll so me and Sir Arthur, trotted our horse's away from the Tourney ground's till it became our time to joust. Gran was healing well over these days, he didn't win anything but he did a decent enough job, he was sitting next to Hunith as a sort of, better luck next time gift. Soon the person that Tytos gave me for a temporary squire, some blond haired boy from a branch family of the Lannister's, I got off my horse and handed it's reins to the boy.

Balinor:"give it some oats, I don't want my mount to go hungry, especially before a joust."

I walked off as the boy looked a little scared being around a large fierce horse, I wanted to watch the match between the two so that I might see who I could be fighting. Before I went to see the current march I was on the look out for a lord who I could make a bet with, no reason not to increase my own wealth while I am here. Soon as I was listening to lords and men if wealth offering bets I soon heard one that sounded fun. I placed my hand on the man's shoulder as he turned around to look at me.

Balinor:"I'll accept that bet for my match, I win I get one hundred gold dragons, I lose you get one hundred gold dragon.

The man was a bit confused at first before nodding in agreement as I walked off to get a sitter view of the match. When I got there I missed some of the joust but is was still going to on, both knights charged at eachother but when there Lance's struck the others shield both of them had managed to stay mounted, though Randyll did have his Lance shatter. Once his squire fetched him a new one both of there horses got ready and then charged at eachother, again no one fell off. This went on four more times until eventually Kevin knocked the heir of horn hill off his horse. The crowed cheered when they saw who won while I went back to fetch my horse, shadowmare, when I reached back to where the squire was I saw he had finished giving my horse oats. He turned to look at me with some relief on his face since before he saw me he looked worried that my horse might have Buren his arm off.

Balinor:"hand me my reigns."

I held our my hands for the reigns of the horse which the boy handed over to me as I mounted atop of my horse. I then moved my horse to the Jousting area as the squire gave me a lance and shield, I made sure that the shield was secure. When I stopped shadowmare next to the end of the fence next to me and sir Arthur Dayne, he was sitting on top of a white horse. It was armoured similar to the young knight, purple with white like his houses colours. My horse began to drag it's front right hoof on the ground getting ready to charge forward. Then the horn blower blew him horn and i made my horse charge forward as did Sir Arthur. When we got closer to eachother I thrusted my lance forward as did the sword of the morning, both Lance's shattered on contact with our Shields but both of us stayed on our horse's. I stopped my horse as we reached the end of the jousting Feild with the lannister squire I have gave me a new Lance as sir Arthur got a new Lance. The horn then blew again as the two of us charged at eachother again, I had to make sure I win as the money I put on this match was too high for me to turn down. Then we clashed but our Lance's didn't shatter but it looks like the good knight isn't as good at Jousting as I thought he was as he seemed have lost balance for a few seconds before getting his balance back. Then another horn blast shot out as we changed at eachother while I looked at the chest of sir Arthur, I lowered my lance holding my shield up ready to take the hit. When we clashed I knocked Sir Author off into the mud but I did lose balance for a second as well. Then I began to slow down shadowmare I saw Arthur, get up off of the ground seeming to have not been hurt too bad after getting knocked off of his horse. When shadowmare stopped I got off her and began to stroke her hair, thanking her for getting me this far. Then the squire arrived to have my horse seen to before the final match which would be in about half an hour, I went over to sir Arthur to make sure that he was okay as he seemed the only one who seemed to know what he was doing.

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