time for war

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Hello there all of you boys and girls, I hope that all of you are having a good day today and you lovely guys and girls are ready for the next chapter of my game of thrones knights of the round table story which I hope that all of you are enjoying as much as I am writing it for you guys and girls. Now for my question of the day and that is since we are going into Roberts rebellion which of the main house do you think came out of it the most unscathed except for the Tyrells and Lannisters since lets be real the events change very little if they got into the war or not and they really did not do much. For me I would have to say that our of all of the realms the river lands took the brunt of the fighting since that is where the main conflict was held and we do hear about lands getting burned (or I could be mistaking it with another conflict there). But that is just me and now with that all said and done let's get on with the story shall we.

Balinor POV

Sitting on the high chair of storms end while I ruled as the castoline of the castle for my nephew while he continued to live in the Vale with his friend Ned Stark and Jon Arryn but right now I was not sure what to think, in my hands I held two letters, one from Robert and one from the king who has now been dubbed the mad king. The message from my nephew was telling me to raise the banners as Rhaegar Targaryen had kidnapped his betrothed Lyanna Stark and along with the mad king killing Eddard Stark father and brother they were going to war with the royal family with the aid of the Arrys's and Stark. But in the other letter the mad king was ordering that I bar the gates of Storms end to him and kill my nephew should he come here and there was some insinuation that he might make me the lord of the Stormlands, a flash of thinking of the future that y/n would have if I accepted it but I was not a traitor to my people. Looking at Maester's Cressen and Gaius, I knew what I was going to tell them.

Y/n:"call the banners, we are going to war."

Both of them looked shocked as did the rest of the men and woman in the room hearing this as war was something that the realm was doing everything in there power to avoid in the hope that whatever bad Aerys did everyone thought that when he died Rhaegar would fix it and bring a golden age to Westeros but now, now this was a step too far.

Cressen:"my lord, what should I tell them for the reason?"

Balinor:"tell them that the royal family has abducted there liege lords betrothed."

They nodded.

Balinor:"but wait till I am done here before you write them, I still have more orders, as for everyone in the garrison, go out to our fields, take in the harvests, and be ready for an siege."

Gaius:"my lord, we do not even know if we are going to be besieged?"

Balinor:"this is the most strategically best place for the Targaryen's to besiege, Winterfell too far, the Eyrie too impregnable, but here, we are detached from the other two and Dorne, will most likely side against us. So get the riders out to get the harvests and prepare the castle for a siege, get any decent metal that out men can get there hands on and while they are getting supply's have our knights muster up the troops. Anyone who is not willing to fight then leave the castle we will need all of the fighting age men we can get out hands on."

Then I stood up from the high chair while the room wondering why everyone was still standing around.

Balinor:"well, what are you waiting for? A kiss on the cheek, go!"

Then everyone in the room began to leave either to get the army of Storms end, leave the castle to there home, or something else but I signalled for both Gaius and Cressen to follow me as the two of us headed to the rookery so that I could give them the orders what to write in the letters sent out to the lords of the Stormlands. As we were walking through the halls and to the rookery, When we were in the room the three of us then closed the door and they took out a piece of paper and were ready to writ to down the words I am about to speak.

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