quick fight hard night

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Hello boys and girls here is the next chapter of my game of thrones knights of the round table story which I hope that all of you are enjoying as much as I am writing it in advance. Now let's get to the question of the day and that is what do you guys think about how I have written my game of thrones story, not just this one but my Greyjoy, story as well. Now what I mean by that is I write the character past, or in this story case the parents past, before we get onto the story. I would really like some thoughts on it so that I know if I ever do another game of thrones story u should change it or not. Now with that all said and done let's get on with the story that you have all come here to read.

Balinor POV

I gripped ahold of my weapons, a two handed Warhammer with nine spikes on it going by a three by three pattern on the front. In my other hand was a two handed battle axe with an ornate design of two golden stags standing on there hind legs. My armour was heavy plate with chain mail which most men would struggle to move in but it would be great for protection, but for me I can move fine. Over it I wore a light surcoat made by Hunith, it was meant to be the Baratheon, black stag on a feild of gold but it was a little hard to tell when it came to the stag, knitting, embroidery, sowing, and other such lady like tasks were not Hunith, specialties. I walked into a large area than the one that Gran, and the other squires were battling in and it looked more well prepared for us. Unlike the squire melee you were allowed to bring a mount in with you if you wanted and you couldn't clam your opponent's arms and armour if you won as it would be impossible to tell who beat who. More knights and sell swords came into the arena and I made sure that I would stand on the edge of the arena as to not have anyone try to attack me from behind. I waited for the horns to indicate the fight shall begin while also eyeing up the comparison not really seeing many That I have heard of but those can be the ones that can win these things as they rely on not being known. I gripped both of my weapons in each of my hands and then a loud horn sounded his call letting everyone know that battle has began. I didn't immediately engage in combat since it would be a waist of energy since there there at least two hundred warriors in here with most of them knowing how to fight unlike the squire melee. Then a sell swords wearing very poor armour came after me but I parried his swing with my axe before I smashed my Warhammer into the side of the the sell swords smashing his ribs sending him into the ground in quite a lot of pain as well as making this his last fights. As many of the warriors around the arena continued to fight eachother I stayed back looking out at the whole chaos making sure not to get involved in unnecessary fights. Soon as the battle went up to twenty minute there was now only about twenty three fighters left, most of them seemed to be running low on energy while I had quite a lot to spare. Then I began to clash with two other people with one of them displaying the colours of house Selmy and the other having a sigil I did not recognize but it looked like a snail. I blocked both of there sword blows but kicked the snail knight in his thigh making him lose balance before falling over slightly. With my now free axe I made and attempt at trying to hit the Selmy Knight, but he used his shield to block me. Just as the snail knight, was getting himself back to his feet I kicked him in the head, sending him back onto the ground knocked out. As both mine and the Selmy Knight arms were engaged with eachother I knew that I would need to be a bit tricky if I wanted to keep as my energy as possible. Then both me and the knight broke off from out engagement out our arms, we then started to circle around eachother two times before he tried to strike me with his shield but I smashed my warhammer into the shield shattering it into shards of wood. I then made and attempt with both my weapons towards his chest since now be wasn't able to block both my attacks, he decided to use his sword to block the battle axe but my war hammer smashed his side of his rib. Then he fell to the ground as I looked at the remaining fighters seeing that there was eleven people left, now ten as one fell to the ground with his eye handing out of his skull. Soon another person engaged me in combat, this person had a broom on there shield which looks like quite a weak sigil for a family. He tried to strike me with his sword but I leaped back to avoid his first attack, doing the same for the second. Then there was a sword thrust as I side stepped dropping my axe before I grabbed the man's wrist before I smashed my forehead into the face of the other knight. I continued the smash my head into the face of the knight like I was hammering a nail into the ground, soon with a bloody and injured face I let go of the man letting him fall into the ground which he feel like a sack of potatoes, he might even be dead but that is just the price people play when they put there name down. Soon as I watched the others fight eachother I saw that there was on sell sword still in the fight and he knew what he was doing like a master at arms had trained him or something. Then there was only three people left in the fight, me, the skilled sell sword who had a sword thinner than most, it would be more considered a saber, and a Lannister man who had taken quite a few knocks from other participants. All three of us eyed at eachother while I kept a tight grip of both of my weapons as I looked at the two of them as they looked at me and the other man. As we were staring at eachother none of us were making a move but I knew that this was not to last long since if they were not going to make a move against me then I would make the first move. I decided to go for the harder of the two being the sell sword since he knows how to use the sword and he isn't half as injured as the other person. I then with one quick swing of my axe tried to cut into the chest of the sell sword who leaped back like he was some sort of a dance

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