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Hello there all of you great and lovely boys and girls, men and women which ever one you all are and I hope that you all all having a good day today and you are also ready to Red the next chapter of my game of thrones knight of 5e round table story which I hope that all of you are enjoying as much as I am writing if for you guys and girls. Now for my question of the day and that is do you think HBO should make a Roberts rebellion story or not. Personally I don't think they should since I am of the opinion that you should not reveal every single mystery, let some things remain shrouded in mystery since that makes the entertainment and theory's about what happened more fun and help keep the community alive. But that is just me and I would like to know what you all think if it is not to much of a bother and now lets get on with the story shall we.

Balinor POV

Looking down from the walls of Storms end I wondered if this would be enough men for Robert as news has come to us that High garden as well as the rest of the reach have raised there banners for house Targaryen and now we were completely surrounded and some of the lords of the stormlands have decided to fly the dragon banner instead of the black stag. Robert ship would be here soon and my orders have been sent to all of the castles but if they obey my orders I could not say but I had to hope, as well as hope that Robert was a good commander as he will hold the lives of twelve thousand men in his hands.

Gran:"are you worried mi lord?"

I turned my head back to Gran who had decided to join me in Storms end along with some men sent by house Estermont and Penrose, to help garrison the castle for the coming siege which seemed more and more likely, Donnel, was working himself as well as his apprentice in overtime to make arrows and bolt as well as make sure there will be many spare weapons and metal ready for the siege. We were filled up for a six month siege with all of the troops that will garrison the castle.

Balinor:"yes, I am, this could be the end of my house, I have that right to be worried, we all do."

I then turned my head back from the gatehouse seeing the men on the walls behind me most of them had a look of fear about them but still they marched on making sure this castle will be as close to impossible to take as we could make it with the time we had. As I was looking out I could hear steps coming towards us and when I looked to the stairs leading to the inside to the gatehouse I saw one of our men coming from there and heading to me.

Baratheon man-at-arms:"Mi lord, A ship with the blue falcon of Aryne on it is coming, is it Lord Robert?"

I nodded.

Balinor:"yes, but I will be there, it could be a trap."

Then I walked off while Gran, as I was walking through he castle to the inner dock to make sure that this was not a trap, while we were walking through the castle more of the garrison were following us down there, the trip down to the dock was a worrying one as I had hoped when me and Robert next meet with each other it would have been under better circumstances. As I walked through my home a small feeling of worry overcame me as this place that for all my life might be the place that might be a place of war, y/n, is just a year old and he will now be stuck in the middle of a siege. While I walked down the steps to the castles docks even here there were quivers with arrows in the for our archers to shoot down at the crew who might be able to break through the defences we set up for any ships to come in. When I reached the bottom some crossbow men had taken positions to get better view points but as the plank was brought down the ground I saw someone walking forward who I recognised as Robert, he was a bit bigger now and his beard was bigger but aside from that he looked the exact same as he did when I last met him back at Harrenhal. I raised my hands for the archers and crossbowmen to lower the bows and crossbows, as they lowered them I opened up my arms as Robert opened up his arms and the two of us embraced each other and when we separated there a was a slight smile on his face hidden under his anger.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13 ⏰

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