brotherhood knighting

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Hello boys and girls here is the next chapter of my chapter of my game of thrones story which I hope that all of you are enjoying as much as I am writing it for you guys. Now for my question of the day and that is which member of the kingswood brotherhood, is the one you think is the best or most interesting. For me it would be a tie between the smiling knights who in my mind looks like the Joker if he lived in medieval times or Wenda the white fawn since she bands people's asses which is something I would do if I took someone prisoner. Now please let me know who you think and with that all said and done let's get on with the story.

Gran POV

I looked in at the kingswood where the outlaws were hiding from us, Sir Balinor, came to help hunt them down. Leading the bandit hunt was a member of the king's guard, sir Arthur Dayne, the sword of the morning. Sir Balinor, told me that he once jousted with the man and I remember seeing the Dayne, shield during a tourney at Lannisport. With us were others of the king's guard, a westerland lord with a boar sigil on a brown Feild, he brought two squires with him, a blond one and a fat one, here brought some guards like sir Balinor, who brought some of the storms end garrison here to help as well as some of the city guard and sell swords, along with many other squires. Right now sir Balinor, Arthur Dayne, and some others went into the woods to try and negotiate with the villagers to see if they can help.

Frey:"peasant get me a drink!"

I turned to look at the Frey boy who was also the fat boy that the boar lord brought with him, he thinks of me as a servant because of me being low born.

Gran:"get it yourself."

The fat boy made his way over to me as one of the Baratheon men stood next to me as one of the boar lords men stood next to the boy, when I stood up I towered over him as he looked at me red in the face.

Frey:"do you know who I am, I am the son of the lord of the twins, you are nothing but the son of some pig farmers."

Gran:"my parents were wheat farmers not pig farmers, and being the son of a bridge troll dose not intimate me."

Quickly the boy tried to punch me and he did hit me but he was not strong enough to hurt me, I looked down at the boy and started at him.

Gran:"was that it? I was expecting more from a large lump of flesh, if you would like I could show you how to throw a real punch."

The boy then began to get scared as he was realising that he was the weak one in this situation, he then walked off as I sat down and looked back into the forest and saw that Balinor, was begining to come out along with everyone else who he went in with.

Sumner:"did you get any leads?"

Arthur:"no, they say they do not know though I suspect that they were lying but I am working on a plan for them to help us."

When they walked back to the camp Balinor, walked over to us since all of the Stormland men are smiled at us as he stroked his beard.

Balinor:"sorry if you were wanting a fight, looks like we will be waiting. Any problems?"

All of the men said everything was fine, he need not know about the near fight in the camp that almost broke out as that might cause more problems, Balinor, did the same in similar situations. Soon thing began to die down and dinner was being made, each of the groups were making there own dinner from there own camp fire, over our fire was a pot which the man who was cooking it seemed to be making some sort of stew. Sir Balinor, told me to ready his arms and armour, so I made sure that his armour shined and his weapons were sharpened. His nephew, also welds a warhammer which is just a copy of sir Balinor, from what little I saw of him he seemed emulate his free spiritedness as sir Balinor puts it. His other nephew seems to be more take one sir Balinor duty to his family, lady Hunith, has been helping lady Cassana, raise her young son, Robert is being fostered in the vale so he isn't really around. Soon the cook began to serve up the stew giving the first bowl to Balinor who took it before everyone else got there's handed out. The stew was not much of anything since the meat that was in it was just beef from a cow covered in the juices of the stew. As I was eating the stew the night was begining to get darker and a light wind swept through the camp, when we all finished we paced the bowls next to the cooks tent before i went to my tent. Before I made it there however one of the men, Tom no nose, placed his hand on my shoulder as I looked at him. He did have a nose it was just so small that at time it looked like he was just born without one.

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