Last stand for the brotherhood

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Hello boys and girls here is the next chapter of my game of thrones story which I hope that all of you are enjoying as much as I am writing if for all of you lovely guys and girls. Now for my question of the day and that is would you have liked to see a game of thrones series made about the kingswood brother, from there rise to there fall and destruction. Personally I would like to see that since I think it could be quite fun and a less... grand story, since game of thrones and house of the dragon, are kingdom spanning conflicts the brotherhood was quite a local problem and it could be a more light hearted series. Now please let me know what you guys and girls would chose and with that all said and done let's get on with this story shall we.

Balinor POV

Walking through the woods to where an informant from one of the villages who said he knew where the Kingswood Brotherhood hideout was. Sir Aethur, plan worked well, show we can do more for the people than the outlaws can and the brotherhood will become reckless with there loss of power. When the peasants stopped cooperating with them the outlaws attacked us when we spent the night at a town which didn't hurt us that badly but some of the towns people were killed by the outlaws which ruined there reputation. As we passed through more trees and bushes we reach an area which must be the outlaws base of operation, there was a wooden house surrounded by tents, around there base were also sharped spikes with only one path in. It seemed as though they were making more wooden building in there hide out but they won't get the chance.

Man:"here you go, this is where they live."

Arthur, reached to his side and handed the man a pouch which had fifteen silver coins in it.

Arthur:"for your help."

The man, nodded and hesitantly reached over to the bag and took it, when he looked in it his eyes widened as he looked back at sir Arthur.

Man:"many blessing on your mi lord."

The man then seemed to run off away from us and that would be a good thing, he would only get in the way when we fight this bunch of outlaws and brigands.

Balinor:"so what is the plan here, they were not to foolish to not build defences."

I looked over to Arthur, as he looked at this obstacle Infront of us.

Arthur:"it would seem that they are finding comfort in there cups, we shall wait till the cover of dark, when they are going to sleep we will sneak in to make short work of them."

Most of us agreed as these outlaws did not deserve the honour of a noble battle, an ambush is all they deserve. We fell back a bit in order to keep as low of a profile as we could but still being close enough for when night comes we won't be to far away. As we waited in the cold I looked next to Gran, who was staring into the the dirt while sitting on top of a fallen tree. I walked up to him and sat next to him which made him snap out of his thoughts and looked at me.

Gran:"mi lord, how may I help you?"

Balinor:"no, it is how I can help you Gran, you seem to have your mind on something want to talk about it?"

Gran:"no, I'm fine my lord, it's just, I guess I am a little bit worried, this will be my first time changing into battle and I am a bit worried."

He held up his hands which were shaking like a shitting dog before he placed his hands on his knees but they still were shaking a little.

Balinor:"well, don't worry, on the day before my first battle I was so worried that I would lose my life against some giant of a man and I could not get to sleep that night but while I walked through the camp my father came to me."

I then stopped when I mentioned him and fought to keep a tear that was trying to come down my cheek I kept it in but I did have to wipe my eye.

Balinor:"he told me that it was okay that I was scared, all boys get scared once in a while but a boy will become a man when he decides to face those fears. So I went to bed and when I woke up I decided to take my father's advice and become a man, he didn't live to see it though, he died on that battlefield, and i killed the man who took him from us, the funny thing is, i cant remember anything after that, from what i heard i just kept killing in a blind rage."

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