death and life

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Hello boys and girls here is the next chapter of my game of thrones story which I hope that all of you are enjoying as much as I am in writing it for you wonderful people. Now for my question of the day and that is who do you think is the most unfortunate person in a game of thrones/a song of Ice and fire? For me it is quite a tricky one to think of since there are so many people not just in the story but before the story begins who have had quite a hard time of it but I think if you had to push me for an answer I would have to say it is Rhaella Targaryen since when you look into her life you really do feel quite bad for her, especially when she probably just wanted to have a quite life instead of being the queen. Now with that all said and done let's get on with the story.

Now before the chapter begins this chapter will contain some sensitive topics and if this has ever happened to any of you I'm so sorry and I hope you are coping.

Balinor POV

Year 262

I looked at the men I was training to be the guards of storms end, my brother had given me the role of master at arms as after our previous one died. I wanted to train these men so that if war or a siege come to the storm lands I want these men to be demons in battle. Right now I am training them on how to fire longbows since there is now long range weapon that a single man can hold that can go as far or as deadly.


The men I was currently training lossed there bows sending the arrow flying from the walls of storms end to the dummy's I had placed around, all shots missed and they were not allowed to leave until they were able to hit the dummy.


The men pulled back there arrows on the sting of the long bow aiming there bows at the dummy's.


The let go again and like before they all missed but compared to how they started out they are getting closer to the target.


They didn't do it as they all looked at me.

Grell:"mi lord, we have ran out of arrows, you had us use them all."

I nodded and looked at them.

Balinor:"well, take a break while I get Will, to collect the arrows."

They nodded and some sat down while others walked to god's only know where while I went off to be with my wife who is pregnant with my child. Steffon's lady wife was also expecting and both our wife's should give birth close to eachother, I told Will as I passed to get all of the arrows while I went to mine and Hunith chambers. When I arrived there I opened to door to see Hunith there knitting a blacker for the baby though she wasn't very good at that sort of stuff. Hunith looked at me and smiled.

Hunith:"hello balinor, how were the solders today."

I closed the door not taking my eyes off of her as well as he bell which was close to bursting open to given birth to our child.

Balinor:"they could be better, but they are improving little by little."

Hunith nodded and held up her work which was of a crudely made black stag on a yellow Feild, big enough for a baby's blanket.

Hunith:"I think, it turned out well don't you?"

I nodded but truth be told I think that we could go to one of the villages and there woman might make a better one, though my mother taught me not to hurt her feelings.

Balinor:"yes, are you sure you want to name our child after your parents? I'm not trying to be mean but surly you have other names in mind?"

She shook her head side to side.

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