tourney at Harrenhal

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Hello boys and girls here is the next chapter of my game of thrones knights of the round table story which I hope that all of you are enjoying as much as I am writing it for all of you nice and patient guys and girls. Now for my question of the day and that is what interest you the most about the tourney of Harrenhal and why dose that interest you? Personally for me I think that part that interests me the most is where did lord Whent get so much gold because it is made very clear that this would be the biggest tourney every held with prizes to make the Lannister's to look poor. So where did all that gold cone from? Personally I think that since we do not hear about the house going into debt or being in debt I think that there was someone who had the gold and war trying to plant the seeds of rebellion and the only man who would have so much gold to spare would be none other that Tywin Lannister since by this point he and the the mad king were close to just getting there swords out to kill each other so by making a situation where he would have to come it would show the lord's how mad and crazy there king is and looks making a rebellion by Rhaegar if he was planning a rebellion. But that is just my opinion and I would like to hear what you all think and with that all said and done let's get on with the story shall we.

Balinor POV

Passing by all of the people at this tournament I was wondering if there were more people here right now that there were in the capital. The tourney at Harrenhal has been announced and the lord here had said that it would be the biggest that Westeros had ever seen. All around there were whores, knights, lords, ladies, fools, mummers, puppet shows, cooks, stalls, would be squires, hedge knights hoping to find a lord to take them into service. Me and Hunith were high born enough to get a room in Harrenhal though truth be told it did not seem like the right place for us to bring our child into this world. At first I wished for her to stay in Storms end but she refused, she said that if this child will kill her then she wants me to be there for the child so that he or she will know there father is always going to be there for them no matter what. She was in the room were were given right now as the travel here had taken a lot out of her and she needs to rest according to Gaius.

Gran:"so, when will the lists begin, I'm getting restless just walking around here."

Next to me was Gran, in his new armour that I ordered be made for him to celebrate him becoming a knight, anyone looking at him would think that he was or served a very wealthy lord but in truth he is a newly made landed knight who is incharge of a couple of farms. The sigil that he has chosen for himself was a man harvesting golden wheat on a field of green. It's sad a chainmail shirt and navel helmet with chainmail covering his lower face, on the chest there was metal plates to block any weak attacks.

 It's sad a chainmail shirt and navel helmet with chainmail covering his lower face, on the chest there was metal plates to block any weak attacks

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Don't own and this is Gran armour just replace the image on the shield with the one that I described.

Balinor:"we have a few more days, some lords are still coming to here, even the Martell's of dorne and the umbers of the Last hearth."

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