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Y/n baratheon

Add a small strand of hair that is red on his left side

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Add a small strand of hair that is red on his left side.

Age 17

Y/n is the son of balinor Baratheon the younger brother of Steffon baratheon, and Hunith Penrose. You never knew about your father as he died when you were two but your mother told y/n a lot about your father. As you grew up your talent for magic became more and more, fearing what people will think of you, your mother tried to keep you in storms end but y/n wanted to see kings landing so his mother let hi for the better or the worst.

Arthur baratheon

Arthur baratheon

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Age 15

As the first and only born son of the king Robert baratheon and queen cersei Lannister he was destined to be a king. Despite his hair being blond he has the blue eyes of the baratheon, he would show the world that he is the fury. He is a man who's destiny is to rule a Kingdome greater than any other, through iron and blood.



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Age 21

As a boy young Lancelot prospect's did not look great being the son of a woodsman and a tanner's daughter but one day a knight came to there village and lancelot became his squire. When Lancelot was knighted he became a hedge knight hoping to make a name for himself.

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