learning and teaching

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Hello boys and girls here is the next chapter of my game of thrones knights of the round table story which I hope you are all enjoying as much as I am writing it for you. Now as most of you who know a bit of the westeros history it should be obvious what's happening in this chapter. Now for my question of the day and that is if you could be fostered by one of the great family's of Westeros which one would you pick and why? Personally for me I think I would need to say Tyrell's since there area is the most safe. Now please let me know who you guys would pick and with that all said and done let's get one with the story shall we.

Year 270

Balinor POV

I looked at the ship as my Nephew, sailed off to be fostered in the vale, seems I'm losing my family quickly, first mother passes away in her sleep a year ago now my eldest nephew, not to mention all of the deaths of me and Hunith, children that we have been trying to have, so far the best we had was a girl who lived to be a week old before passing. At least I still have Stannis, Steffon, Cassana, as well as the rest of my family, I looked at the top of one of the towers, all of outer all towers were now going to have a ballista on top of them to deal the rams or ship blockading us, I was paying for it with my own money. I have also gotten my brother agreed to increase the garrison as well as make a law that all the men in the villages in the tows need to practice with the long bow, it won't bare  fruit immediately but when Robert becomes lord of Storms end as well as a man, he will have quite the asset. Not to mention it will help bring more of the people of the stromlands back home if the enemy dies before they can attack out men.


I turned around to see Gran, standing next to me where he wasn't before.

Balinor:"hello Gran, I thought I told you to enjoy yourself for a bit?"

Gran:"you did mi lord but Gaius, asked me to find you, he said that he had a matter which he wanted to discuss with you."

I nodded.

Balinor:"tell Gaius, that I'll be with him soon."

Gran, nodded and walked off as I continued to look out a ship's breaker bay, a portion which got it's name for the violent storms which plague it. Soon after I was done looking at the ship sailing off into the distance I decided to meet with Gaius, since he must have some sort of good reason to talk to me. As I was making my way to Gaius, I did think about how Steffon is feeling about having to tell his sons that the man they met when he took them both to the capital was not the king but Tywin. Ever since he took over the Rock he has really reformed that Kingdom from a haven for bandits and corruption to a well oiled machine as well as ruling his lords with fear. At the very least both of Steffon, friends have had kids of there own, maybe there will be some marriages of our houses since the lord of the west has a daughter. Soon after I walked through this castle which seemed to be designed something to be a maze for both enemy and ally alike. Soon I made it to Gaius, work station where I opened the door looking in where I saw he was looking at something in a jar.

Balinor:"did you call me here so we could look at strange things in jars?"

Gaius, placed the jar down as he turned around to look at me.

Gaius:"no my lord, I actually called you here to tell you something important."

I widened my eyes.

Balinor:"well, what can I help you with."

Gaius:"could you close the door please, this is a rather personal and private matter."

I nodded and closed the door behind me and walked over to him wondering what will be so important for me personally. We both sat at a tablet waiting for Gaius, to start talking.

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