back to Lannisport

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Hello boys and girls I hope that all of you are having a good day and here is my next chapter of my game of thrones knights of the round table story which I hope that you are all enjoying as much as I am writing it for you guys. Now for my question of the day and that is what do you think Rhaegar Targaryen, was like since we never really get too know what he was like since all information about what he was like was second hand from other characters. Personally I think that he was a good person but not as good as people make him out to be since I think there judgment might be a little bit clouded by them being such a great replacement for the mad king. Now with that all said and done let's get on with the story shall we.

Year 276

Balinor POV

I looked back at the city of Lannisport, the last time that I was here was when the now current was getting married to his wife, but this tourney is to celebrate the birth of the new Prince of this Kingdom. Nor Steffon nor Hunith could make it to this tourney but both asked me to send the king and lord there regards, next to me on this journey was Gran, who has grown up a bit and done a great job in his training and education. The past few tourneys he has been in he has won his squire melee but he is not ready for knighthood yet as he has yet to take a life.

Gran:"looks a lot more shinier than I remember it being sir."

I nodded.

Balinor:"that's is try, guess they had enough gold to make there city shine."

Gran:"how come the stormlands doesn't have a major port city like Lannisport?"

Balinor:"simple, we reason we don't have a major port city like Lannisport, old town, kings landing, is because our Kingdom is not in the best strategic position so we have had to fend off invaders."

Gran:"but why does that stop us from gettin a city?"

Balinor:"because we have been forced to focus on building up a strong martial traditions not letting us have the time for urban development. So that's why."

Gran:"but we are at peace now, surly we could build up a city of our own."

Balinor:"but that would cost money, and most of our land is not fit for building a city on, I would just recommend you accept that."

Gran:"yes sir."

The two of us then went along the gold road, there were other knights we had passed on our journey, some were landed knights hoping to strike it big and get the lion lords attention, there was knights of noble houses who were going here to lead by escorts from his household. Me and Gran, went along for speed and I don't want someone keeping an eye on me while I am here. As we were leaving the stormlands I saw some peasant boys practacing using longbows, but unfortunately one a few lands are listening the my suggestion, only the Baratheons, Penrose, and the Estermont, lands are having there peasants train in the longbow, and I suspect the last two only agreed since we are family. As we passed through the crown lands I see a lot off farms and other such stuff like it showing signs of a prospering kingdom, if things continue on this road we won't have to worry about a civil war again, and if we play our cards right on the world's stage then we won't need to worry about war at all. I laughed when I first thought of that as it was only something that young boys would have believed. When we walked into the westerlands it looked like a completely different place that I had been to before, the place looked like it was going up hill in all ways, surprised that Tywin, can run both the realm and his kingdom at the same time. When we were walking past the city walls the golden lion banners were flapping in the wind, I was also exited to see Robert again as knight of the Vale says he is attending the tourney. I also had a message that was for lord Tywin, eyes only, both the new maester, a man called Cressen, and the castellan, of storms end Harbert, knew what it said. As we got closer to the lion mouth of Casterly rock the greeting was not like what had last time, the only person there to greet us was a member of there family, could have been one of his brothers or a distant cousin there relation going so far back that it would be questionable if they were family at that point.

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