squires melee

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Hello boys and girls here is the next chapter of my game of thrones baratheon story which I hope that all are having a good time reading it if you have gotten this far that it. Now for my question of the day and that is who do you think is the most chill character throughout the series, wither that is book or show? Personally this is hard to say since none of them are particularly chilled out a lot but I think I would say Tommen since he's unlikely to order me excited. Now with that all said and done let's get on with the story.

Balinor POV

I sat down at a chair looking at the arena where the squire melee would be held, I had finished up my matches for the day and collected my winnings from the men I placed bets with. Gran was putting on his armour which was similar the standard armour the garrison of storms end would wear, just forged in his size and a bit cheeper in some areas.

Balinor:"how are you feeling right now?"

Gran fitted his groves on him.

Gran:"I'm doing fine mi lord, im I bit worried about it but that's fine."

I chucked at his statement.

Balinor:"your nervous, that's fine, I was nervous when I entered my first tourney."

Gran:"how did you... You know? Get over it?"

I looked down at my squire.

Balinor:"I didn't, I went though the entity tourney nervous off my ass, and I won it, dancing in top of Tywin lannister brother."

The got a little laugh out of gran.

Balinor:"just do your best, after this one you will not feel nervous after it, just have fun, it doesn't really matter if you win or lose."

Gran then put his helmet on his head.

Gran:"I will win."

Then gran walked off to once of the areas that the squires would need to be before rushing into the Feild.


He turned around as I picked up a baratheon shield forged in his size with the black stag on a yellow Feild.

Balinor:"don't forget your shield!"

Gran walked back to me and I gave him his shield, he fitted the heater shield onto his arm, I gave him a wave as he walked off to where the other squires were. As gran walked off I looked around seeing other knights and lords were here, there weren't as many people watching as the actual main tourney but I imagine most of these squires knights will be there to watch them. The squire tourney was really more of a free for all melee which can cause in one of the people dying and many more being quite badly injured. I was worried that Hunith wouldn't get here in time but she still has time to get here to cheer gran on, I then thought about what mother would be doing in storms end with baby Robert? She is quite fond of her grandsons, Cassana also gave birth to another boy called Stannis who mother is also for of but why dose Steffon get two children when me and Hunith can't get one. I threw those types of thoughts out of my mind since there is no use blaming my family for things that are out of all of our hands, only the gods know for sure if a child will live or not. Soon the area began to fill up with more people looking at the squires melee which is just going to be a free for all. Some were in ornate armour fitting for high born heirs while others were less well armed in leather but little metal, many minutes later Hunith joined me sitting in the seat next to me.

Hunith:"I see that the fight has not begun."

I nodded.

Balinor:"correct, it will starts soon, though I should warn you one of these squires might die, happens more often than you might think."

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