breaking the brotherhood's back

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Hello boys and girls here is the next chapter of my game of thrones story which I do hope that all of you are enjoying as much as I am writing it for all of you guys and girls. Now to get on with my question of the day and that is who do you think is better the king's wood brotherhood or the brotherhood without banners. Personally I think the king's wood brotherhood were the better of the two since it seems they had more infamous members than the current one and were more of a pain to deal with. Now please let me know what you would pick and lets get on with the story shall we.

Balinor POV

I looked at the four hostages who began to came out of the woods with lord Crakehall, one of whom was his fat little squire and member of house Frey. The other three looked like men of the city watch. While sir Arthur Dayne was done and arrow was shot into the camp with a random note on it, we didn't know when sir Arthur would be back so lord Sumner Crakehall, ransomed them but he had an angry look on his face. When they came back to the camp the three fully grown men were told to get back to there duty but he gave that fat little Frey and ear full.

Gran:"was it really that much to get the four hostages back?"

Balinor:"depends on who you are I suppose, maybe lord Sumner, thought he paid too much."

Gran:"well, in that case aren't they one of the most richest house's in the westerlands?"

I nodded, that land was filled with valuable mines that made even some of there landed knights are richer than lords of other realms.

Balinor:"or maybe he was insulted at how low it was."

When lord Sumner was done giving his squire and ear full he smacked him on the head and the little pigling wandered off with the other boys. Lord Sumner, then began to make his way over to us red in the face and annoyed.

Balinor:"any reason you were mad with with?"

Sumner, looked at me.

Sumner:"aye, after I paid the ransom I found out that he had been captured by a woman as well as soiled himself as if he was trying to bath himself in shame."

I had to lightly hit Gran, in his side to stop him from laughing hearing that.

Balinor:"well, the worst he will experience is a bit of bullying as well as maybe mockery from his wife if that troll is like his father."

Sumner:"chose your words a little more wisely, sir. He may have shamed house Crakehall but he is still half Crakehall."

Balinor:"as you say, I apologise if I have given any offence."

Then the two of them separated and walked back to there groups respective area of the camp.

Gran:"when will we be able to start hunting these bandits?"

I shrugged my shoulders as I didn't even know what we were going to be doing until sir Arthur returns."

When we were back in the Baratheon area of the camp sir Balinor sat on one of the wooded logs which were being used as seats, around the main fire place where the cook was making another stew. This one had some meats in it, Rabbit, Pidgin, some of the Crakehall Boar that they had hunted, as well as some wild mushroom and wild onions. The smell was do nice that I would would gladly start eating it now without a care of being burned. The man continued to sit the the pot while dropping what looked like butter in it to seem to add more flavour to it. While he contiend to mix the stew he took out the ladle after quite a few minutes of continuing mixing, he blew on it a few times to cool it down before to sipped a bit of it to see if it was ready yet.

Baratheon man:"it's ready, come!"

Then the man picked up a bowl and pored the stew into it before handed it to me first. Then he made his before giving everyone else there bowl of stew to the other men from the Stormlands, I took a spoon and began to eat away at it. It was good and I could feel all the meats are the main part of this meal and with every spoon full I could taste them all at once even when it was just the watery part of the stew. Just as I was finishing it I began to hear a horse coming towards the camp, but just one horse so it could not be an ambush. The answer to who was on top of the horse showed himself with the knight wearing the king's guard armour coming past the guards in the camp. One of the squires of one of the knights grabbed the reigns of the horse, off of the horse sir Arthur, made his way to me.

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