Calming the Volcano

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"Thanks again Uncle Enji!" Said your dad at the end of the driveway. "Say bye daddy!"

"Eye addy!!!" You responded reaching your hands to him laughing.

Endeavor sighed as he held you. A small smile imprinted your five month old face at the man's scowl. Keigo flexed his wings before flying away. The buff male looked down at you before rolling his eyes taking you inside.

His footsteps one of the few sounds in the quiet home. Enji opened the door to the living room where an angelic white haired female sat reading a book. She looked up at the pair as her eyes shifted to you.

"Oh, is that Keigo's daughter?" She asked.

"Yeah, he dropped her off for a mission he had to go on." He responded sitting on the couch before putting you on the floor. Pushing yourself up you walked over to a scale on the floor with blocks by it also.

"I'm going to head to the kitchen." Rei said lifting herself off the couch.

Enji watched her leave, before sighing and pulling out his phone. He scrolled through the news as the sound of blows were heard outside. Looking out the window, his eldest Touya was punching a dummy outside. He breaths were labored, and his face was plastered with bandages and small bruises.

He's still a little slow, I need to get him into some reflex training. He thought as he went back to his phone.

A news headline caught his eye. Number 1 Pro All Might, Performs Another Miraculous Rescue. Villains Defeated by a Landslide. The last few words ticked his head as the male gripped the screen tightly.

That smiling idiot is always ahead of me. Footsteps were heard as a white haired girl with red specks in her hair walked in, with a half red and white baby in her arms. "Mom asked if you could watch Shoto, while I help her cook." She said quietly.

Dropping his phone he took the small child. The girl bowed slightly, before leaving quickly. Enji looked at the half baby, squinting his eyes at him. There may be hope once your quirk manifests. I'll finally have a child to surpass him.

You walked towards him with the scale in hand. Enji raised a brow at you, as you set the scale down, then turned around to grab the blocks. Dropping them you sat down in front of him.

A loud whoosh from outside was heard as a blue hue all but enveloped the yard. Touya now doing target practice with his flames. You clapped happily at the sound, as the small one in Enji lap also bounced at the sight. Your eyes shifted to Enji, who looked back at you with a slight scowl.

Picking up one of the blocks you held up the object to him. "Oshinori." You said trying to say All Might's name. Putting it down on side of the scale it tilted. Then you picked more blocks, five to be exact. You looked back up at him with a small smile. "Dodoroki." Taking the blocks you set them on the other scale, making the other one block rise up.

The male furrowed his brows at you confused. What were you trying to say? Then he remembered.

One Month Ago.

"Y/N has a different brain structure?" Ryuko asked as they lounged at your father's place.

"That's what the doctor said," your dad responded holding a rattle to you. "apparently Y/N is able to comprehend complex situations."

"Complex how?" Aizawa asked sitting next to you.

"Like she can sense when there's tension in a room, when a person is sad, why they're sad. She can also find a solution to a problem. Like say you're stressed out, she'll lay your head down for you to sleep."

"So basically, she has the mind of an adult." Midnight stated.

"More like a teenager, but yes. If there's a problem, Y/N can give a solution, or remind someone of an important idea." He said lifting you up with a smile.

"Hey Y/N, I'm having money problems," Miruko said. "Any advice for me?"

You shook your rattle a few times before saying. "Close wallet."

"HHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!" Bellowed your father at your words. "Yes, yes, close your wallet, quit shopping online yes!"

The others smirked at you as Miruko pouted, and Endeavor held his scowl.

A few minutes had passed before you were left in the living room with Endeavor. The others messing around in the kitchen. The male looked down at you with curious eyes. She can find solutions to complex situations huh? Endeavor reached for you holding you up to him.

"So little one, any advice to surpass All Might?" He asked you.

The male stood you on his lap then touched you touched his face. "Alm down Enyi." His face contorted in confusion.

Calm down?

Present Time

Were you doing the same thing now? You started clapping your hands at him. A smile imprinted your face up at him.

"Umber 1." You said to him.

The small child in his own lap clapped also. Enji looked at his youngest son, who gave him the most heartwarming smile. The hero caught his breath at the sight before hearing footsteps in the hall. His eldest entered the room with a wary look in his eye.

"Um dad, I finished my training exercises. What should I do next?" Touya was rubbing on the his bruises nervously.

Enji looked down at you, in which you gave him a smile. He turned back to his son with darkened eyes.

"No Touya you can go relax now. That'll be all for today."

The young boy's eyes widened in surprise. "Re-really?".

"Yes Touya," he said nodding his head. "Go rest."

Touya hesitated before walking out the room. The pro released a heavy sigh looking at the two of you. I'm pathetic, he concluded. I really let a child lecture me about my family. The all time low I have entered. Enji them focused on you, in which you clapped your hands at him. The small baby in his hands also clapped.

He took him and set him down next to you. You stood up letting out a happy cheer. Shoto did the same getting into a crawling position trying stand up. He of course fell back onto his bottom. The action pulling a small laugh from the pro's mouth.

Unbeknownst to him, his wife stood in the doorway watching this unfold. A small smile graced her face at the sight. A wave of relief washing over her being. She never hated him, but feared his ambition. How comical it was that it took an intelligent one year old to bring him back to his senses. Guess all I can say is thank you Y/N.


1139 words

Short as hell but what else can I say? Pretty sad a baby had to remind him that his ambition isn't everything. But hey what can you do? What would you do to bring Enji back to his senses, or at enstill some in him?

Gaurdian Angel (Bakugou X Black Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now