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God is going to send you someone that will rescue you. Then one day you will rescue them in return and together your story will rescue others. He has always been a God of rescues and a maker of warriors for his grace. You only need to believe that you are part of something greater than you know.

Shannon L. Alder


Keigo had never flown so quickly before. In all the years he spent rushing to save people in need or if he was ever in a hurry, those times failed to compare the way he beat his wings and flew through the air. The muscles in his back screamed at not being used to such pressures and urgency. You couldn't be gone, they shouldn't have found you. It wasn't possible it couldn't be. The moment he left you were gone?


Finally the Johson household came into view. It was . . . in ruin. Almost completely demolished. Police cars and ambulances surrounded the area. He saw Mirko covered in blood and limping out away from the rubble while holding onto Jo.

"Mirko!" He yelled as he landed and held onto her. "What the hell happened?!"

"I-I, we put Y/N down to sleep. Then I heard some shit upstairs." She said through heavy breathing and tears. "They blew the bitch up and took her!"

Finally letting her legs give out Rumi wailed into his chest. He looked over and Jo, the man stood staring off in disbelief at his house.

"You shouldn't have came here." He whispered. "You all were better off without knowing we were here."

Keigo stood there and stared at the man wide-eyed. He looked over by the ambulance. Florence seemed to have hurt her arm, Travis got his leg checked out, Umar stood around unscathed but obviously shaking. The boy paced around impatiently.

The man looked down at Rumi who just held onto him. His chest burned with a burning rage, he lifted Rumi off his chest and looked at her in her tear stained face.

"Rumi, did you get a look at their face?" He asked lowly.

The woman looked into Keigo's cold face, his eyes were devoid of light. There was no confident smirk, no playful glint. Just pure anger, this look was new. It almost scared her.

"Yeah, yeah. They were white, one of them wore an eyepatch." She said quietly as he suddenly picked her up and brought her over to one of the ambulances.

"You get checked out here, I'll go get her." He said as she pinched his ear.

"You're a fucking idiot. She's my kid too, you're not going by yourself."

"You're hurt, and we don't know if they'll come back for the rest of them." Keigo explained as she sucked her teeth looking away. "Besides you heal fast and I need to make sure they're safe first."

Rumi glared at him angrily before sighing. "Fuck it fine. I'll stay if you don't find her by sun down then I'm looking for her my damn self. You got 4 hours."

"Okay thanks." He said before walking away and approaching a police officer. "Hey I need your villain database."

"I can-"

An older officer grabbed his shoulder interrupting his dialouge. "He's a pro hero and the kid's father. The man has every right to it."

The younger male looked at Keigo begrudgingly and went to the car.

"Thank you." Keigo said to him.

"No problem, I have a five month old. It's already scary enough as an adult." The man responded as the other officer approached with a computer.

Gaurdian Angel (Bakugou X Black Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now