Rivalry: Pt. 1

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You waved goodbye to Shoto before heading to the parking lot and entering your car. Upon sitting down and placing your bag in the passenger seat you fell back in the seat. Sighing softly you picked the small doll from Izuku and squeezed it slightly watching his head become slightly bigger. You laughed quietly at the sight and placed it back on the seat.

Starting the car you began to pull out as your phone rang. It was your father.

"Hey dad." You said tapping the car screen to answer.

"Hey Tweetie Bird, you feel okay? Shota told me you had a panic attack."

You sighed quietly, upset that your uncle felt the need to share. "I'm fine dad, some kid's quirk just set me off."

"You sure? He said you passed out you never did that before." He said as you heard wind blowing in the speaker. Most likely he was working.

"That's only because he didn't know and his quirk kept on going. I'm okay dad, just want to lay down."

"Okay then, be careful while driving. Mom is home already with the rest, I'll be back later."

"Okay dad, be careful."

"Alright Tweety Bird, love you."

"Love you too." You responded tapping the screen to hang up.

You drove for some time before pulling into your home's drive way. You got out of your car and took your bag and doll before entering your house. Upon getting inside you could already hear Ritsuki and Kazuki talking loudly in the living room.

"Hey Y/N, how was school?" Ritsuki asked teasingly.

"Shut up Ritsu." You said back as he placed a hand on his chest and stared at you offended as you walked by.

You entered the kitchen and saw Kaya sitting on the counter as your mom was at the stove.

"Hey Baby Bunny." Rumi said with a smile before she saw your sunken face. "What's wrong?"

"They didn't tell you?"

"No tell me what?" She asked as Kaya looked between you two confused while drinking a juice box. Rumi started to eat carrots from a large bag.

"I had a panic attack during school. Some kid's quirk set me off, and I passed out."

"Passed out?" She repeated confused as she took Kaya off the counter. "You've never done that before what happened?" She asked as Kaya left the room and Rumi walked towards you.

"His quirk didn't stop and my anxiety was rising faster than I could stop it." You said as you fidgeted with the stress doll.

Rumi looked down at the object. "Where'd you get this from?"

"A boy in my class gave it to me for stress." You told her as you pulled on the pointed hair.

"Well that's nice of him." She said before eyeing you playfully. You looked up at the face she made at you before turning away.

"Oh my god." You whispered.

"Possible boyfriend?"

"It's the first day mom!" You complained as she opened her mouth.

"I'm just asking, is he shorter or taller than you." You pouted at her question. "Tell me."


"Even better, especially if he gets an unexpected growth spurt. Then that's the best part."

"Mom!" You yelled out as she laughed at you.

"I'm kidding Bunny," Rumi said before hugging you. "but for real tho, I hope he's cute."

"Ma." You complained again. "I'm going away now."

Gaurdian Angel (Bakugou X Black Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now