《 Prologue 》

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A teen, about the age of sixteen or seventeen could be seen sitting in a gaming chair with the face cam turned off.

Dirty blonde locks were brushed out of their owner's eyes as they looked over at the chat called Twitch.

The teen watched as their fans' comments went by fast as more responded.

"How are you doing chat!" The teen cheerfully greeted despite their monotone voice sounding dead in a way.

The blonde spun in the chair that they sat in for a few seconds before coming to a stop as their attention was brought back to a donation.

User69 donated $10:

Hey Ranboo, do you have any siblings or a sibling?

The dirty blonde, also known as Ranboo, stared at the donation for a few seconds as the game Minecraft loaded in.

"I do actually, they're currently not here though."

Ranboo had watched as his chat went crazy with this information that they've been given.

"Also, thank you for the ten dollars!" He quickly thanked.

His grey eyes watched as his chat continued to freak out even more as Minecraft had loaded up into the Hypixel server.

User120 donated $5:

Ranboo has a sibling!? Pog!!

The blonde shook his head in disappointment at the fact of his chat being excited to hear about this younger sibling fact.

Ranboo had decided not to play Minecraft in realistic mode just yet until his younger sibling decided to barge into his studio.

He placed his hand onto the mouse that sat beside his keyboard and started to move around the server with the buttons that allowed him to do so.

"So chat, what game should we start off with?" Ranboo had asked, wanting his viewers to choose the game for the next couple of hours.

His grey hues watched as his chat flew by quite quickly he might've said.

The viewers were fighting between Bed Wars and Skyblock.

User209 donated $25:

Miniboo, pog?

Ranboo felt himself become nervous, realizing how he knew that the younger would probably be angry at him for a few hours.

He knew that the younger one didn't want to be spoken about but it didn't seem to cross his mind until now.

Philza donated $15:

Are you alright, mate?

Ranboo's eyes brightened a bit when he saw the familiar username of Philza.

"Yeah, I'm alright..." Ranboo replied with a nod of his head before realizing that no one could see him do it.

"Mods, please bring up a poll for Bed Wars and Skyblock, thank you."

The mods did what they were asked and brought up a poll for both of the games.

The dirty blonde behind the camera had watched as both games rallied up against each other throughout the whole poll as it was brought up in an instance.

After waiting a minute or two, the mods ended the poll with Bed Wars barely in the lead.

"Looks like we're gonna be playing Bed Wars chat!" Ranboo declared.

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