《 Tubbee, Dadza, and a Cursing boy 》

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(Y/n) furrowed their eyebrows a bit as they looked over at the profile pictures that were currently shown in the Discord call until faces popped up.

"Hi there, you must be Ranboo's younger sibling!" Tubbo chirped with clear excitement and happiness at the fact that he could meet the miniboo that Twitter has been going on about.

"Mhm," (Y/n) answered back with a hum leaving their lips, becoming shy all of a sudden.

Ranboo gently smiled and booped the top of the (H/c)ette's nose.

(Y/n) became cross eyed and released a small mlep from their lips.

The dirty blonde gave a loving brotherly smile before turning back to the Discord chat.

"I was wondering what your name is child?" Another British voice asked, seemingly calm.

This seemed to surprise Ranboo a bit when he heard Tommy speak calmly through the call since he was always loud.

"Isn't this the one that's a feral boy?" (Y/n) asked, clearly confused.


Phil was able to mute Tommy before he could even finish the sentence.

Ranboo looked at the confused child on his lap and laughed lightly when he saw the dumbfounded expression when they heard Tommy almost curse.

"Fudge...? Is that what they meant?" (Y/n) asked, confused.

Phil released a giggle, "Yes, of course."

A disgusted sound was heard from the child's lips.

"Ewww, yuck."

Laughter was heard once more at the response.

"It's nice to meet you mate, I'm Phil."

(Y/n) seemed to realize the recognizable name of the older brit.

Their eyes widened and beamed with excitement.

"Dadza!" The (H/c)ette chirped with a sound of recognition.

Phil just smiled and giggled.

Ranboo rolled his eyes in amusement, "As you can see, they really like watching your content Phil."

Phil nodded his head in agreement since he, Tommy, and Tubbo had their face cams on.

None of them were streaming since they just wanted to hang out and play online games just for fun without having to be bothered by their fans.

"I'm Toby but my online name is Tubbo!" Tubbo exclaimed.

"Tubbee?" (Y/n) questioned, confused.

Tubbo laughed and smiled when he realized that the younger had placed his favorite animal into his online username.

"Uh-huh," he agreed, not in the mood to correct the other since he found it adorable to receive a nickname.

Ranboo moved away from the mic so he could sip away at the bottle of water that he was currently holding in his hand.

(Y/n) gave a long questionable hum as they stared at the muted figure who also seemed to have deafened himself.

"Cursing...boy?" Their eyes squinted as (E/c) eyes danced with curiosity.

Phil almost choked on something but didn't as he laughed.

Tubbo was snickering.

Ranboo was dumbfounded but chuckled lightly in amusement.

"That's Tommy, sorry about him," Tubbo apologized.

"Hm..." (Y/n) hummed, nodding their head as they accepted the apology.

"Can I play Minecraft soon Boo?" (Y/n) asked with excitement.

Ranboo stopped sipping at the water as he gave a thoughtful look.

"On the Smp or a survival world?" He questioned.

Tubbo seemed to realize something when he heard Ranboo speak up.

He had once seen a child sized Ranboo running around the Smp but didn't question it.

The brunette of the bee loving boy gasped with excitement.

"You were the one that was running around the Smp the other day! I was wondering if Ranboo shrunk or something but it was just you!" Tubbo exclaimed.

Ranboo released a defeated sigh.

"Mhm! I nicknamed a (F/a) (P/n)!" (Y/n) cheered, a grin decorating onto their lips.

"Then...Ranboo, is it alright if we played in a survival world with them? It'll be just a normal world, no mods at all!" Tubbo pleaded.

Ranboo went quiet as he quietly placed the now closed bottle of water onto his desk.

"I don't know Tubbo..." Ranboo trailed off.

Phil knew where this protective personality was coming from.

He had seen it multiple times throughout this call.

"If you want to mate, could I watch over them? I mean, that's if you'll let them," Phil piped up.

Ranboo looked down at the (H/c)ette that seemed to be dozing in and out of consciousness now.

"I'll think about it, I have to put the little one to bed."

"Okay, mate. Good night, (Y/n)."

"Night, (N/n)!" Tubbo lightly whispered out loud.

Ranboo took the ear bud out of his ear, not hearing who had spoken last.

"Night Miniboo."

(Y/n) seemed to have crashed once they were in Ranboo's arms.

Ranboo released the other part of the ear bud from their ear, muted himself, and left the room.

The soft breathing of the younger was the only thing heard except for the light footsteps that echoed gently throughout the hallway.

"You really did seem excited when you heard recognition of Phil, didn't you, (N/n)?" Ranboo whispered, a smile being seen creeping up onto his lips.

He knew how the sleeping (H/c)ette would always point out the live streams on Phil's Hardcore world on Minecraft before going completely silent just to watch it.

Entering the bedroom, Ranboo walked over to the bed and settled the sleeping child on top of it before covering them with a blanket.

The sleeping child cuddled up against a plushie while they slept.

"Goodnight (N/n)," Ranboo had whispered and closed the door behind him.

'Maybe I will let them play Minecraft with Tubbo and Phil.'


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