《 Steve! 》

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Tw: soft angst

The duo were able to make it to Ranboo, Phil, and Techno's houses.

(Y/n) heard the familiar sound of bears growling softly as they drew in closer to the house.

Excitement went across their face as they ran up the staircase to Techno's house.

Techno wasn't on right now so the (H/c)ette just opened the door, their eyes sparkling in excitement.

"Steve!" They exclaimed with clear excitement, running over to the said polar bear.

Steve gave a confused look as he looked at the young child before him.

Ranboo had gone off to his own house to check on something so the only one in Techno's house was (Y/n).

(Y/n) sat down on their knees and held a hand out to the huge white fluffy creature.

Steve tilted his head for a few seconds before pressing his wet black nose to the stretched out hand.

(Y/n) gave a wide smile as sparkles surrounded the two.

Steve had his eyes closed with bliss when he felt the peaceful, energetic, and kind aura surrounding the smaller.

"Don't tell this to anyone, but you're my favorite content creator," the (H/c)ette whispered softly.

Steve allowed a huff to leave his nose as he then decided to pick up the child gently by the back of their hoodie, as if they were a bear cub in his eyes.

(Y/n) went dot eyed as they stared down at the wooden floor beneath them.

"Hey (Y)–" Ranboo went quiet as a dumbfounded look crossed his face.

The pair gazed at each other in silence.

Ranboo slowly closed the door, "I'm heading to Snowchester, wait for Phil."

With that, the door closed.

The sound of someone leaving the voice chat was heard.

However, not too long after, a ding was heard.

Along with a message popping up that said Philza had joined the game.

"How are you doing mate?" Phil had asked.

"Perfect," (Y/n) answered, deadpanning.

"Why are you– Oh," Phil was about to say until he opened the door.

The child and Phil made eye contact with each other.

(Y/n) gave a small wave, "Hi."

This caused Phil to go into an attack of laughter.

"How'd you befriend Steve that quick mate!?" He cackled.

"Who knows, I'm just that likable," (Y/n) simply answered, still being held up by the back of their hoodie.

Phil walked over and helped the child to get out of the grip of the polar bear, making sure that they both didn't get attacked.

The older blonde then went over to the ender chest and looked through it, picking out a few pieces of iron blocks.

"I'm guessing you haven't heard what Tubbo and Ranboo have been planning lately?" Phil asked as he turned towards the crafting table.

(Y/n) walked over to the older, looking up at the blonde in confusion.

"What do you mean?" They questioned, confused on what the other was talking about.

Phil nervously laughed as he bent down onto a knee and placed an iron helmet on top of the other's head.

(Y/n) lifted their hands up, tilting the helmet a bit.

"Tubbo and Ranboo are planning to meet up, Ranboo is heading over here," Phil answered.

(Y/n) went quiet.

'Is he really leaving?'

At that thought, their eyes teared up a bit.

Phil seemed to notice and brought the child into a hug.

Steve padded over, and bumped his head up against the two, noticing the child's sadness.

(Y/n) stuffed their face into Phil's face, "I don't want him to go..."

Phil gave a soft smile, "I know you don't, but you can't always be with him if he ever moves out in the future mate."

The (H/c)ette gripped onto Phil's haori.

"I know..." They whispered, biting their inner cheek.

(Y/n) knew that their brother would move out one day, and they would have to get used to it.

They just couldn't imagine a world without Ranboo.

The older would always help them with homework when they asked for it, pick them up from school if their parents were busy doing so, and a few other things.

(E/c) eyes trembled and shook a bit as their owner lifted a hand up and rubbed away the unshed tears before turning towards the bear, and throwing their arms around the other's neck.

Phil sadly smiled at the younger.

He understood what the (H/c)ette was going through.

Phil wanted to head to America just to be with his wife Kristin, until she could get accepted to live in the UK with him.

(Y/n) stuffed their face into Steve's fluffy white chest, feeling comfortable soft licks that Steve gave on their head after nudging the helmet off of them.

Something muffled left their lips as they stuffed their face more into the white coat of the polar bear.

"Would you like to go mining with me? To get stuff off your mind mate?" Phil asked.

(Y/n) nodded their head silently.

The older man glanced at Steve for a few seconds before remembering the trouble he, Ranboo, and Techno had getting him out of the nether before.

"Come on, we can mine whatever you find and like."

(Y/n) hummed softly and placed the iron armor into their inventory slot.

Phil handed an iron pickaxe to the younger, holding a netherite pickaxe of his own.

"Let's go then."


The two left after that, giving Steve a farewell so that they could adventure the nether.


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