《 Heh? 》

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Tw: soft angst

(Y/n) heard something leave from Ranboo's lips but couldn't tell what he said before realizing that the other must have needed to get something since they heard a door shut.

A mischievous grin slipped onto the (H/c)ette's lips.

"Mr. Techno?" They piped up.

"Hm?" Techno hummed out, turning his Minecraft character's head towards Ranboo's character which had a child controlling it.

"I was wondering if this Dream person was actually homeless? I've seen his skin multiple times on Twitch and realized that it was an abomination of a green highlighter teletubby that was deformed into a blob," (Y/n) explained.

Hearing this caused Techno to lightly chuckle in amusement.

A ten or so years old child had just burned and slandered the creator of the Dream Smp.

"Yes, he's homeless."

Hearing Techno agreement caused the (H/c)ette to beam a bit.

"Also, are you the one that commented on Steve?" Techno asked.

"Uh-huh, I liked the name when I saw the polar bear that was already named that," (Y/n) answered with a smile slipping onto their lips.

"Do you have a favorite mob?"


Techno smiled a bit behind his screen as the younger one reminded him of his younger siblings.

"Account, do you have an account?"

(Y/n) puffed out their cheeks, pouting.

"No, but Dadza said that if Boo doesn't agree, he'll buy and make me one."

Techno lightly chuckled.

"Sounds like something that he would do," Techno murmured as he turned towards the character behind him.

Seeing as (Y/n) was controlling Ranboo's character, Techno watched as the child punched at a quartz for the fun of it.

Silence pressed upon the two as they left the nether, (Y/n) having to follow the pig skin due to not knowing where they were at.

"How do you feel about the government?" Techno asked as he broke the silence.

"Well...is it wrong to describe them as strange puppies or kittens? I don't know really..." (Y/n) sighed in disappointment.

Techno's smile widened just a slight behind his screen.

"Would you like to be my anarchist buddy then? Haha, as a joke of course," Techno asked before quickly saying the last part of his sentence.

(Y/n) furrowed their eyebrows a bit as they thought up their answer.

In the Dream Smp, Ranboo had chosen friends during the war and not an actual side.

"Heh?" (Y/n) mumbled out, getting even more confused at the situation that they had put themselves in not too long ago.

Behind the screen, Techno was smiling in amusement as he waited for the other's answer.

"I think, or well, guess? This question is hard," (Y/n) huffed out.

"Take your time, you can tell Ranboo later."


(Y/n) cringed backwards when they saw how the block didn't break into anything before realizing how they weren't holding a pickaxe.

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