《 Together We Stand 》

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(Y/n) nibbled at their nuggets as Tubbo's mother pulled up to the house that they and Ranboo would be staying at first a while.

Ranboo had fallen asleep once they had entered the fast food restaurant that they had quickly ordered at.

And now the (H/c)ette had to wake up their older brother.

Unbuckling themselves, (Y/n) leaned over a bit with half of a nugget between their lips as they lightly shook Ranboo's shoulder.

"Mmm?" Ranboo tiredly hummed out as he opened his eyes a bit.

"Mmh," (Y/n) mumbled out, pointing at the house that they were currently stopped at.

Tubbo and his mother were waiting for the two.

Ranboo yawned a bit and unbuckled himself, stepping out of the car when he opened the door.

Leaning back in, the dirty blonde lifted the sleepy child into his arms, picking up the bag of food that belonged to the both of them.

He then lightly shut the door, using enough force to close it fully.

Ranboo shifted the child in his arms before heading over to the two that waited for them.

"Sorry," Ranboo apologized.

Tubbo's mother laughed a bit and waved him off, "It's alright, the jet lag must've hit you both hard."

Tubbo went up to the two and gently tugged at their hoodies' sleeves.

Ranboo gave a silent confused look before realizing how the shorter brunette was directing them both inside of the house.

The taller teen allowed the shorter to direct the two as Tubbo's mother locked up the car before following them all inside.

"If any of you guys need me Toby, you'll know where I'll be at."

"Right mum!"

Tubbo's mother then turned towards the sleepy boo siblings, "I hope that you both will have a great stay here."

Ranboo nodded his head, "Thank you ma'am."

Tubbo's mother then left the three kids to do whatever they wanted to do before they had to go to bed.

(Y/n) unconsciously nibbled on the nugget they had in between their lips, swinging back and forth tiredly.

Ranboo seemed to notice and took the remaining nugget so that the younger one of the group wouldn't choke on it.

Footsteps captured their attention which caused them to look over and notice a young female.

"Lani!" Tubbo greeted kindly, smiling brightly at his younger sister.

The girl, Lani, smiled back before turning her attention to the guests that they had in the house.

"It's nice to meet you both, I'm Lani!" Lani greeted happily.

"I'm Ranboo and this sleepy one is Miniboo," Ranboo replied as he introduced the both of them to the female.

Lani's eyes brightened a bit when they saw the sleepy child that was currently on the couch.

Also known as a sofa to them.

"Miniboo is small, how tall are they?" Lani asked with excitement.

Ranboo nervously laughed, "They're not even five feet yet."

"Oooh," Lani extended out with a head nod.

She had learned from Tubbo on how Ranboo had a sibling that went by the pronouns of they and them, so of course she was gonna respect the child's wishes and boundaries.

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