《 Meeting Drista and Tommy 》

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The next day slipped by in a quick manner.

Out of the two, (Y/n), was the first one to wake up.

Blurred and sleepy (E/c) hues were seen behind the near fully closed eyelids.

They had their arms wrapped around Ranboo's shoulders, laying on their side on his chest, curled up a bit.

Slowly lifting themselves up, (Y/n) released a yawn from their lips.

They brought their gaze over to the clock and huffed in annoyance.

It was almost eight o'clock in the morning.

(Y/n) gave a huff of disappointment and got up off of Ranboo, not wanting to wake up the older.

Getting up off the bed, their eyes landed on the slippers which allowed a mischievous grin to slip onto their lips.

Without a second thought, (Y/n) slipped the pair of slippers onto their feet.

The slippers caused them to waddle out of the room carefully since they didn't want to trip due to how big the slippers were compared to their feet.

Distant talking was heard in the kitchen which made curiosity to hit the fan as the child headed over in the direction of the kitchen.

"Good morning," (Y/n) greeted with a tired yawn, capturing their parents' attention.

"Good morning, (N/n)," their father and mother greeted back.

"Do you have anything planned for today?" Their mother asked, curious about what the younger has been doing due to their 'break' from school.

"Except to bother Ranboo? Nope," (Y/n) cheerfully answered.

The two parents shook their heads and laughed a bit.

(Y/n) went over to the kitchen sink and started to wash their hands before breakfast.

"What are we having for breakfast?" The (H/c)ette curiously asked with a confused look on their face.

"Hm, we decided to order our breakfast this morning, so it would be awhile."

Hearing this explanation, (Y/n) just nodded their head.

Turning the sink off, they dried off their hands with a towel that sat right beside it.

"I'll go bother Ranboo, but first, gotta use the bathroom."



(Y/n) left the room, yawning once more.

After using the bathroom and washing their hands, the (H/c)ette made it their mission to wake up Ranboo the worst way possible that they could think of.

Slowly entering the said male's room, a mischievous grin slowly grew as the owner got closer to the sleeping teenager.

Quietly giggling, they jumped right on top of the sleeping male.

Ranboo's eyes widened in shock at the added weight to his stomach.

Soon, the familiar figure of a child was seen sitting on top of him.

"Good morning, Boo!" (Y/n) chirped, tilting their head with a bright close eyed smile.

Ranboo blinked several things before smiling back, "Good morning."

Sitting up, (Y/n) sat down beside the older's right hip, gazing up at him.

Ranboo threw his arms up into the air–making sure not to hit the little one, as he stretched.

The sound of cracking could be heard a bit, relieved to start moving.

"So, what are we having for breakfast?" Ranboo asked, getting up and giving the smaller a piggyback ride.

(Y/n) leaned their chin lightly on Ranboo's left shoulder, "I don't know, they decided to order breakfast."

Ranboo released a tiring sigh at the sound of that.

"While we wait and you're using the bathroom, can I play Minecraft?" (Y/n) asked.

Ranboo hummed lightly, "Sure."

(Y/n) beamed, "Yay!"

The dirty blonde settled down the younger one onto their feet when they reached his studio.

"Don't stay on too long, though."


With that, Ranboo left for the bathroom.

(Y/n) opened the studio room and entered it, shutting it a bit as they entered.

Their eyes landed on the VR system and lightly glared at it as they walked over to the monitors.

Sitting down into the gaming chair, the (H/c)ette started up the monitors and then Minecraft.

They had learned about Ranboo making them an account and felt bad for it because it was their fault that they made him do it.

That's when they saw it.


It was left up by accident.

"Dream and Tommy are in a voice chat?" (Y/n) mumbled, confused.

The (H/c)ette clicked the voice chat first before choosing the realistic Minecraft option.

The realistic game of Minecraft finally loaded so of course the first thing the child did was gaze at their hands.

"I'm still small, dang it."

A look of disappointment crossed their face.

"Ranboo? Who's Ranboo?" A confused female voice asked through the Discord call.

Before Tommy could say anything, (Y/n) spoke up first.

"My brother."

Tommy seemed to freeze as it sounded like he was trying to mute something.

This female seemed to teleport the small Ranboo figure straight to them and Tommy.

Tommy placed his hands onto the small figure's shoulders, a look of fear crossing his face.

He knew that he couldn't curse around them, so he would have to say the nice versions of those curse words.

"What are you doing here!?" Tommy asked.

(Y/n) gazed up at the blonde and the female version of Dream.

"Ranboo said that I could play, and so I did."

"Tommy, who's this? They sound younger than you and me," the female asked.

Tommy gave a loud defeated sigh.

"Drista, this is Miniboo, Ranboo's younger sibling," Tommy answered.

The girl, Drista, squinted her eyes at the younger.

"Pronouns? Not to seem rude or anything, I just don't want to assume your gender."

(Y/n) allowed a smile to slip onto their lips, "They and them."

Drista nodded her head, "Noted."

Tommy seemed to be doing something–as if he was calming down a certain chat.

"Did you know that Tommy was live streaming?" Drista asked.

Hearing this caused the younger to pale.

"He... He's streaming?" They asked with pure fear.

Drista then realized that the younger wasn't supposed to be introduced to the world of young Youtube fame.

"We need to hide you, hurry!" Drista exclaimed, picking up the younger and darting off.

(Y/n) was being held like a cat as they were being brought to a hiding place by Drista.

'Tommy was streaming? No... No, he's gonna get the scolding of his life by Boo! I have to make sure that doesn't happen!'


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