《 Play Date 》

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The next day had gone by quite quickly which surprised Ranboo when he found himself laying in his bed.

He sat up stretched while releasing a yawn from his lips, the corner of his eyes tearing up a bit.

The dirty blonde didn't question how he must've gotten to bed since he was either extremely tired and left the call with the others, half asleep, or one of his parents was able to get him on the bed.

Either option sounded plausible in his mind.

A sound of familiar sizzling could be heard which captured his attention and got up off of the bed.

A satisfied grunt was heard leaving Ranboo's lips once he heard his bones crackle and pop in slight relief with the movement that caused it all.

Slipping his slippers on, the blonde left the room and decided to head to the kitchen wondering what the delightful smell was.

Familiar (H/c) locks were seen as their owner was nibbling into a plain pancake without any syrup or fruit decorating it.

"Hm?" Ranboo hummed out, his mouth salivating at the delicious spell of the pancake breakfast.

His grey eyes laid onto his younger sibling and furrowed an eyebrow upwards.

"Aren't you supposed to be at school (N/n)?" He had asked.

(Y/n) lifted their eyes slightly, keeping the attention between Ranboo and the pancake in their hands.

"Mama said that I could stay today because some type of email popped up in her inbox? I don't know what it would indicate though," they answered with a shrug of their shoulders.

Ranboo and his parents seemed to catch each other's eyes which made him understand the silent message in an instance.

"Well, I thought about it and...how would you like to hang out with my friend on Minecraft today?" Ranboo questioned.

(E/c) hues seemed to brighten up at that, "Can I?" They asked with excitement.

Worry seemed to cross both of the parents' faces.

"Are you sure Ranboo?"

Ranboo nodded his head, "It'll be just them, Tubbo, and Phil."

The two parents glanced at the youngest before sighing.

"At least Phil will be there, will you be in the same room as well?"

Ranboo nodded his head, "I'll be watching after them."

"Alright, good. If you two need anything, just call or text one of us," the father grumbled out.

"Got it," the brunette had agreed.

(Y/n) got up from their seat and headed towards their bedroom that held a shared bathroom inside.

"And where are you going?" The mother piped up with amusement when she saw how the younger carried a pancake in their hands with a tired and dazed look in their eyes.

"Getting dressed~" (Y/n) yawned out from the pancake that they were still nibbling on.

Without a reply, the (H/c)ette left the room while finishing off the rest of the plain pancake.

Entering their room, they walked over to their closet and opened it.

A grin decorated onto the (H/c)ette's lips as they reached for a pair of (F/c) knee-high shorts along with a (F/c) shirt that said 'Just a simple child, wanna be friends? No? Okay.'

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