《 Technoblade's Stream/Meeting Techno 》

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(Y/n) could be seen on their bed hugging the brand new Pusheen plush in their arms.

A small (F/a) laid in front of them as they waited for a certain Youtube streamer to start.

They were confused on who this person was until they remembered how Phil had talked about this Techno person at random times during different streams.

The (H/c)ette knew who Wilbur was seeing as they too watched his streams and listened to his music.

A deep monotone voice captured their attention, "Starting the stream."

Curiosity perched on the child's shoulders as they tilted their head to the side.

"Oh... That's why Boo's chat and viewers call him the Walmart Techno," they whispered out.

"Wait... Doesn't that mean that Boo also stole his brand which is a crown? I can't believe him," (Y/n) mumbled in fake disappointment.

The child gazed at all the donations in amazement.

"This man must be a millionaire, however, this Dream person that frequently pops up...is he homeless? I mean, Ranboo and this Technoblade person says that he is, so he must be homeless."

Confusion clearly decorated the (H/c)ette's facial expression.

Techno's voice caused them to snap back to the stream and saw how the said streamer was asking chat for names of the polar bears that he and Ranboo had caught.

Many names rolled by as donations did as well.

"S...t...e...v...e... Steve," (Y/n) whispered out quite loudly as they typed out the name in the speed rolling of the chat.

Some viewers must've seen the name and too started spamming 'Steve'.

Even a donation even said the newly spammed name.

"Steve?" Techno's voice grumbled out as if he was testing the name.

A small smile lifted onto their lips when people were agreeing with the name that they had picked out for the polar bear.

The last two however, were named by donations.

(Y/n) felt their eyes start to close slowly as the calming monotone voice of Techno started to make them sleepy.

"Steve...yeah, a perfect name for a bea-"

With this, the small child crashed and fell asleep to the soothing voice of the male on the screen.

Ranboo said goodbyes to his viewers as he ended the stream but stayed on call with Techno through Discord while hanging out in the Dream Smp server.

Many questions raced through his mind as he remembered the donations that had talked about his sibling that was probably asleep right now.

It had almost been two hours or so, of course.

"Hey Techno?" Ranboo piped up through the quiet Discord chat since it was just him and the Blood God.

"Hm?" Techno hummed out through the Discord call while his Minecraft character mined through the nether, looking for netherite.

"Well, I had someone special that was watching our stream but on your side earlier," Ranboo explained.

This seemed to somewhat capture Techno's attention a bit.

"And who's this special someone?" Techno asked with a tired mumble.

"My sibling," Ranboo answered, a bit proud.

This information surprised Techno a bit since he didn't know about the younger having a sibling despite seeing rumors sprouting on Twitter lately.

"Does this sibling of yours go by the name of Miniboo?"


Techno paused in his mining for a bit as he slowly turned his character's head towards the other figure behind him.

"Would you like to meet them?" Ranboo asked.

"Hm..." Techno hummed out despite not giving a yes or no answer.

"I'll be back then, hold on."

Ranboo took off his headset and left the room.

With that, Techno went back to mining, waiting for the teen to come back with the person that Twitter has been crazy about.

Ranboo walked into a sleeping (Y/n)'s room and saw the sleeping said child and the laptop they had used.

Walking over to the bed, the dirty blonde of a teen picked up the now barely awakened child that was being held like a cat now.

"I want you to meet someone, he's another friend of mine," Ranboo explained.

Eyelids fluttered up and down as their owner didn't know what to do.

Either wake up and meet this person or fall back to sleep in Ranboo's arms.

Light footsteps took over the child's hearing as the duo headed towards Ranboo's studio.

The bright shine of a light slammed heavily into the (H/c)ette's eyes causing them to release an angry hiss as they threw their arms over their eyes, hoping to block out the light.

Ranboo sat down in his chair and placed the now cranky child onto his lap.

"The one who is waiting for us is Techno," Ranboo explained.

(Y/n) grumbled underneath their breath as headphones were placed on top of their head.

The familiar tone of voice caught their attention.

'This is Techno? The one that isn't store bought?'

The Pusheen that the child held, laid and sat in their arms.

Techno seemed to hear the sound of grumbling since Ranboo didn't mute his mic or Discord when he left.

"Hallo," Techno greeted the figure that he assumed was a cranky child being woken up.

(Y/n)'s eyebrows furrowed a bit, confused on who the other was talking to before realizing that they were talking to them.

"Hello Mr. Techno~" (Y/n) greeted back with a sleepy yawn escaping their lips.

Ranboo lightly smiled at the sleepy younger, knowing that they would probably fall right back to sleep after this conversation or either fall asleep on call.

(Y/n) tightened their hold on the Pusheen plush as they listened to Techno talk about small things with them replying with their own input here and there.

'Another person that I can trust with (Y/n) is Techno, I can't trust Tommy with them. Not right now, anyways.'

However, Ranboo knew that the two would have to meet each other sooner or later.

Not right now though.

The (H/c)ette needs to keep their innocence a lot longer before they could have a full conversation with Tommy.

Sooner or later the two will clash.

A child that's quiet and innocent, along with a blonde teen that's loud.

Not a great combination but it helps out here and there when it's really needed.


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