《 Discord Call With Mumza/Tommy Joins The Call 》

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Tw: mention of bullying/cyberbullying

"I'm gonna let Kristin get on my account for a bit, I have to do something," Phil explained before leaving the room.

Kristin ended the call as she joined her husband's Discord account to keep talking with the young (H/c)ette.

"It's finally nice to meet you Miniboo," Kristin gently said.

(Y/n) beamed a bit, "It's nice to finally meet you as well Mumza."

Kristin laughed softly.

"I have something to tell you and don't tell Phil," she states.

"Noted!" (Y/n) answered.

"I had my visa accepted, so I'll be moving back into the UK," Kristin explained.

"Really!? That's great news! Is there a reason why you want to keep it a secret though?" (Y/n) asked, confused.

Kristin hummed, "I want to make it a surprise for him."

A small 'oh' was heard from the child.

The sound of joining the call was then heard.

"Mumza!" Tommy hollered in his greeting.

"Hello Tommy," Kristin greeted back, amused.

Tommy seemed to notice (Y/n) in the voice chat as well.

"Hello Miniboo!" He greeted quite loudly.

The (H/c)ette flinched and cringed a bit at the loud yelling that vibrated their ear drums.

"Too loud," they mumbled out.

Tommy went quiet, "Sorry."

(Y/n) could hear how bad Tommy felt about being loud around them and gently smiled.

"Even if I can't see you, put that frown right back up into a smile, feral boy."

An annoyed huff was heard from Tommy before light laughter left his lips.

"You seemed to mellow out quite a bit Tommy," Kristin pointed out.

"What do you mean woman!?" Tommy exclaimed in disbelief.

"Tommy..." (Y/n) mumbled out.

"Oh um, sorry," the said blonde apologized.

The (H/c)ette wasn't used to Tommy's loud voice just yet.

Kristin giggled softly at the two, "How are you both?"

"Fantastic Mumza," Tommy answered.

"Tiring, but I'm good too," (Y/n) replied.

Kristin hummed, "That's good."


Tommy was cut off by the younger.

"Are you streaming?" They asked.

"No... Why?" Tommy questioned.

(Y/n) fidgeted with their fingers.

"(Y/n)..." They whispered.

Kristin seemed to realize what the younger one said and smiled behind the Discord screen.

"That's a really pretty name," she chirped.

"Huh? What did you say?" Tommy asked, even more confused.

(Y/n) bit the inside of their cheek, "My name is (Y/n)."

The blonde teenager went quiet on the call.

"Sorry if it's a plain name," they mumbled, a depressing aura surrounding them.

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