《 Oh No 》

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It didn't take long for Ranboo to find out that (Y/n) was introduced to the internet.

Especially to their fans.

Drista had hidden the young child near a tree, hanging out with them while talking with the two in Discord.

"So, how old are you?" Drista asked with curiosity, ignoring the fact that her own brother had entered the bedroom.

This caused (Y/n) to furrow their eyebrows as they glanced at the female beside them, "Ten."

Drista grinned lightly, "I heard that you've gotten an account for Minecraft, what's your account name?" She asked, while flicking a screen open with her fingers.

A keyboard popped up.

(Y/n) looked up at the sky, "(U/n)... It's ugly, I know."

Drista released a loud sound from her lips as she typed out something.

"And... White listed! You should be able to join now!" Drista beamed.

"What are you doing? Who did you white list!?" A male's voice seemed to ask.

"Oh no," (Y/n) and Drista said in sync.

Drista seemed to be talking to her brother until the said male had taken over the account.

"Who are you? You're not Ranboo," the male pointed out.

(Y/n) gazed at the tall male with dumbfounded (E/c) eyes.

That's when realization seemed to strike them.

"Ew," the (H/c)ette mumbled out, a look of disgust crossing their face.

This surprised the male, "Ew what?"

(Y/n) frowned.

"You're ew," they replied.

The dirty blonde narrowed his green eyes at the younger.

The (H/c)ette responded back with a blank stare, ignoring the intense stare from the other.

"How old are you? You sound extremely young, younger than Drista."

"I'm ten."

The dirty blonde released a deep sigh, "I'm Dream."

(Y/n) blinked several times, "Miniboo."

Dream thought for a bit, "Is Ranboo in the room with you?" He asked.

(Y/n) shook their head, "Nope."

Realization seemed to hit the child hard.

"Wait! You're that one blob of abomination!" They exclaimed, pointing at the older male that was clearly a young adult.

Dream felt like something heavy had slammed into him.

He was in heavy disbelief that the child had called his Minecraft skin an abomination.

Just who was this child?

"You're the child manipulator, aren't you?"

An arrow.

"You're homeless."

A second arrow.

"You're an adult with too much money."

And finally, a third arrow.

"And you've mentally and probably emotionally abused every single minor here."

A heavy brick slammed on top of Dream.

The dirty blonde didn't know what to say.

Drista was laughing loudly at the broken and devastated look her brother had on his face.

(Y/n) then pointed a finger at Dream's masked face with furrowed eyebrows.

"I like Drista better than you, go home, you deformed teletubby of a skin."

Dream was gaping like a fish at all the slander a young child had just thrown at him.

"Bring Drista back, bring her back!" The (H/c)ette ordered, stomping a foot on the ground, showing that they wouldn't take a no as the older male's answer.

A loud defeated sigh was heard before movement replaced that sigh.

"I heard what you said to Dream, and oh my gosh, I love you for that!" Drista cackled.

(Y/n) shrugged their shoulders, "Slander or no slander, the man needs to learn his lesson."

Drista nodded her head in agreement.

"Is Tommy done streaming? I'm not on Twitch so I can't tell..." (Y/n) nervously laughed.

Drista seemed to hum and check something for a few seconds.

"He's actually about to end his stream," she replied.

"Then... Let's go!" (Y/n) hollered, going in the direction they last saw Tommy.

Drista laughed a bit and floated at them, seeing as she was in creative mode right now.

Reaching Tommy didn't take long seeing as Drista teleported both herself and (Y/n) to the said male.

"Are you finished now Tommy?" (Y/n) asked with clear curiosity.

Tommy narrowed his eyes at the younger but nodded his head.

"You got me in trouble kid, you know that right?" Tommy nagged.

(Y/n) nodded their head, "Yep, but don't worry, I have something planned for that."

Tommy raised an eyebrow at the shorter, wondering what they were thinking of doing.

The (H/c)ette gave a mischievous grin in return.

Drista snickered off on the side, having a small feeling on what the younger was planning to do.

"Don't worry too much, I'll handle it."

Tommy released a loud sigh and nodded his head.

(Y/n)'s figure seemed to freeze up for a bit, muffled talking in Discord could be heard.

The (H/c)ette and Ranboo's voices could be heard on Tommy and Drista's Discord call.

"I have to go now, it was nice meeting you two fully!" (Y/n) beamed.

Drista and Tommy returned with a grin.

"No problem! We'll see you later, right?"

"Hopefully! Now bye!" (Y/n) waved before logging out of Minecraft and turning off the realistic mode.

The child turned towards Ranboo slowly.

'Why do I hear battle music?'

Ranboo felt sweat roll down the side of his face as he watched his younger sibling slowly turn towards him.

"You have some explaining to do, Mr. Boo."

'Please... Why do they have so many personalities?'


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