《 On The Way To The UK 》

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The siblings were able to make it to the airport just in time before their plane had to take off within half an hour.

"Both of you make sure that you'll be dropped off at the right place, okay?" Their father piped out as his children exited the car.

"Dad, we know."

"Make sure (Y/n) is in your sight at all times. No running off, (Y/n)."

"Fuzzy nuggets."

"Got it dad."

Their dad released a heavy sigh and smiled at them, "Take care."

"We will," Ranboo replied, gripping onto the back of (Y/n)'s hoodie, which was a plain black and white crop top hoodie with a shirt underneath.

In the middle of the front it said 'Miniboo'.

The two were wearing masks to hide their identity from the world seeing as a face reveal hasn't been announced yet.

(Y/n) had their arms crossed their chest while pouting lightly.

"We'll call you and mom once we land to show that we made it," Ranboo explained.

"Good. Now go, I'm pretty sure that you don't want to make your plane leave you two."

(Y/n) was kicking at a random pebble that sat on the sidewalk beside them.

Ranboo waved as he watched their father drive off and back home.

He then looked down and softly smiled behind his mask.

"Are you ready to head to England?" The dirty blonde asked, a bit worried for the younger still.

(Y/n) looked upwards, "A little nervous...but I should be able to handle it."

Ranboo sighed and released the younger from his grip on their hoodie.

The duo walked into the airport by the sliding doors opening for them.

Loud chattering blasted them both in the face when they saw how many people were inside the huge building.

The (H/c)ette felt themselves freeze up and unconsciously gripped onto Ranboo's hand.

Ranboo seemed to notice and gave a reassuring and tight squeeze back, keeping their hands locked together as they walked through the crowd, looking for the plane that they would be boarding.

Cracking and the sound of white noise of the speaker on the roof went off.

"The plane to England is about to allow their passengers on board."

(Y/n) gazed ahead in silence while furrowing their eyebrows a bit.

"Are you ready?" Ranboo asked once more, looking down at the shorter.

(Y/n) looked back up and nodded their head, "Yup."

Ranboo smiled once more behind his mask before bringing the younger onto his back.

A surprised 'woah' left (Y/n)'s lips as they lightly wrapped their arms around Ranboo's shoulders.

(E/c) eyes widened at the fact at how they could see over the people's heads.

"Do you see where we'll be boarding, Captain?" Ranboo asked in amusement.

(Y/n) grinned and leaned forward, placing the side of a hand on their forehead, looking for the area.

Not much longer, the child saw where they were boarding and at once they made sure to recheck their plane tickets' number.

"Over there!" They exclaimed, pointing in the direction.

Ranboo nodded his head and instantly walked in the said direction.

He already knew where it was but he wanted the younger to point it out instead.

(Y/n) leaned their head onto Ranboo's shoulder and started humming a soft song they had heard from Youtube.

Their eyes started to droop as they felt sleepy.

Ranboo seemed to notice and gazed at the younger with a fond gaze.

"Sleep, I'll get the both of us on board."

"Mmmh... 'kay."

The (H/c)ette allowed themselves to fall asleep in the warm embrace called sleep.

Ranboo stared ahead and went over to the line that showed the counter in front after placing their bags on a luggage drop off

He gazed at his boarding ticket prepared and shuffled the sleeping child on his back to make it more comfortable for them.

Adults silently awed at the cuteness that the pair of siblings showed.

Ranboo could hear the muffled voices of a few people complaining about how many people were in here but didn't do anything about it.


Ranboo looked forward and saw how he and (Y/n) were next.

The masked blonde took out the two tickets and their passes to the woman in front of them.

The woman did what she had to do to let the two board the huge plane to England.

She then handed all four things back to the teen before her, "You can board now."

"Thanks," Ranboo murmured as he headed onto the plane with the still sleeping younger, hoping to find their seat that their tickets directed them to.

(Y/n) was cuddling up in the arm chair that the plane provided with their seats.

Ranboo sat by the window, looking out of it for a few seconds before pulling his phone out to play a few videos before they were lifted off in the direction of England.

His grey eyes gave a side glance to his sleeping sibling which softened a bit.

He reached a hand over and started running a hand through their (H/l) locks.

The sound of purring leaving the younger made him amused at the fact that the younger was still able to do that after all these years.

"Have a nice nap, (N/n)."

He quietly slides his window shut as he turns his phone off and tucking it into his pants after placing it on airplane mode.

Ranboo stared at the back of the seat in front of him for a few seconds before closing his own eyes behind his sunglasses.

'I'll keep them safe, dad. Don't worry.'


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