《 The Smp 》

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Ranboo had received a HUGE scolding from the ten year old child that went by the name of (Y/n).

That was hours ago though.

However, despite still sulking over his mistake, the dirty blonde had allowed the younger one to get onto an old but still workable laptop and play Minecraft on that.

(Y/n) had signed into their very own Minecraft account which was given the name of (U/n).

They were confused on how to create a Discord account since they never bothered making one in the first place.

"Are you ready?" Ranboo's voice piped up, surprising the (H/c)ette at the sudden sound of someone talking.

They brought their attention to the older, "Yep!"

Ranboo smiled and turned his attention back to his own monitors.

The said blonde had made a Discord account for the other with their parents' permission, of course.

The younger was wearing a pair of fuzzy animal headphones on top of their head with it being plugged into a nearby phone.

"Realistic mode, here we go!" (Y/n) beamed as they joined into the Dream Smp with Ranboo.

The sounds of trees and grass rustling along with animals making their significant sounds were heard.

However, (Y/n) was surrounded by a wall which they debated if it was spawn or not.

They looked around for a few seconds before gazing downwards at their hands.

A look of excitement went across their face when they realized that they were in their very own Minecraft skin.

"Yay!" They cheered, jumping with joy.

"Where are you at (N/n)?" Ranboo asked, mentally glad that he decided not to stream at the moment.

"I am in a box...that's called spawn, I think?" (Y/n) responded with furrowed eyebrows.

Ranboo made a hum, "I'm on my way."

(Y/n) decided to sit down on the grassy floor to wait for their older sibling.

Reaching a hand out, the child plucked out a yellow flower from the ground that sat right in front of them.

Not much longer, the sound of walking captured their attention.

"Do you see my name?"


"Then come to my name tag."

The (H/c)ette got up from where they were sitting and walked over into the direction that they saw the older male's name through the wall which disappeared when they got closer.

The flower was clutched into (Y/n)'s hands that were currently behind their back.

"So, where are we going?" (Y/n) asked, their character's eyes gleaming with curiosity.

"To where Techno, Phil, and I live at," Ranboo simply answered as a smile lifted onto his lips.

(Y/n)'s eyes instantly brightened, "Wah? Really!?"

Ranboo laughed and nodded his head.

"Dadza and Brothernoblade to the rescue!" (Y/n) hollered as they dashed ahead.

Ranboo laughed even harder as he sped up so that he didn't lose the shorter one.

"Do I get to see Steve?" (Y/n) asked in a rushed tone.

Ranboo released a loud, thinkable hum.

"Maybe, that's if Techno allows you to," he answered while handing an ender pearl over to the younger.

(Y/n) gazed at the majestic ender pearl in silent awe while cheering with excitement.

"Now, just throw it straight at the huge nether portal," Ranboo explained as he threw his pearl first, teleporting not too soon after.

(Y/n) complained lightly since they found the object really pretty but threw it anyway.

Ranboo watched as the child figure of (Y/n) came face to face with the nether portal, almost slipping straight into it with a painful grunt leaving them.

His black and white locks danced as bit as he stepped into the portal.

(Y/n) followed after him since they knew this much already into the game.

They also knew to follow a trail of pink carpet to a separate portal somewhat deeper into the blazing territory.

"Are you ready?" Ranboo asked with a raised eyebrow, looking downwards.

(Y/n) looked upwards with a wide smile of determination, "Yes."

Ranboo nodded his head before stopping and flicking his inventory open.

(Y/n) got up onto their tippy toes, trying to figure out what the older one was looking for.

"Ack–" (Y/n) felt something heavy but light at the same time get placed onto their head.

The child stared ahead and realized that they weren't able to see anything.

"I can't see."

Ranboo snickered.


(Y/n) puffed out their cheeks, "I don't like you anymore, you're making fun of me."

Ranboo rolled his eyes in amusement and fixed the golden helmet so that the smaller would be able to see.

"Is that better?"


(Y/n)'s eyes landed onto a magma cube not too far away from them and followed after it.

Of course, the magma cube thought that it was a good idea to jump off the side of the poorly constructed bridge.

"Oh well," (Y/n) said in disappointment.

Ranboo started his journey of going across the bridge that led to another bridge which the magma cube had jumped off of.

"This bridge needs a name."

Ranboo looked over his shoulder in confusion, "And what would that be?"

"The bridge of disappointment," (Y/n) answered.

"Wouldn't it be death?" Ranboo asked.

(Y/n) shook their head, "Nope."


"This bridge is named disappointment because of all the suicidal maniacs jumping off of it, and I thought Dazai was hitting that point."

"Why are you watching Bungo Stray Dogs?"

"Because I can, and fictional characters are the love of my life."

Ranboo shook his head.

"You disappoint me."

"I'm a disappointment to myself, I've filled your rooms with Legos before."

"You did what!?"

(Y/n) laughed hard and ran past the older.

"Repeat that!" Ranboo exclaimed.

"Nope!" (Y/n) replied.

With the two bantering, they were able to reach Techno's portal quickly.


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