《 I'm Sorry, Ranboo 》

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Tw: small injury

(Y/n) peeked their head out from their bedroom and started looking down both sides of the hallway before opening their door fully and shutting it behind them, quietly.

The (H/c)ette sneaked down the hallway and into Ranboo's bedroom for a quick second, snatching a fluffy blanket off his bed before heading off to the studio once more.

The owner of the (E/c) hues stopped in front of a familiar door that sat a studio room right behind it.

Getting onto their tippy toes just for the fun of it, the child reached a hand out and quietly turned the knob before lightly pushing the door open.

Peering in, (Y/n) saw the familiar figure of Ranboo sitting in his gaming chair, no recording or streaming anywhere on the extra monitor.

'He must be playing games just for fun.'

Ranboo didn't seem to notice the small figure that was creeping into his room seeing as his attention was currently on playing Five Nights at Freddy's.

A loud screech was heard causing (Y/n) to release a scream and trip over the blanket.

The thud and surprised scream caused Ranboo to turn around in his chair in a quick second.

His grey eyes widened a bit when he saw who had fallen and made noise behind him.

"(Y/n)?" He asked, worried for the younger, not knowing if they were still angry at him or not.

(Y/n) sat up from where they tripped, sitting on their legs with teary eyes.

Ranboo quickly got up from the seat, took off his headphones, and hastily scrambled to pick up the younger one into his arms when he saw a small red marking on their ankle.

(Y/n) tried their best not to cry at the pain that was eradicated from their ankle which looked a bit swollen at this point.

"(Y/n) are you okay? Please tell me," Ranboo urged, extremely worried for the injured child.

(Y/n) stuffed their face into the crook of the older's neck and shoulder, their body starting to tremble.

Muffled sniffling was heard.

Ranboo walked back over to his chair, the blanket covering the child that was still in his arms.

Sitting down, the dirty blonde placed the (H/c)ette onto his lap, gently wrapping the younger one into the fluffy blanket.

Ranboo could tell that the younger wanted to cry at the pain but didn't want to so they held it back despite flinching and cringing here and there at random times.

"(Y/n) what happened? Are you okay?" Ranboo continued to ask as he ran a hand through the younger's hair.

(Y/n) whimpered softly as they pulled backwards, their own (E/c) orbs meeting with Ranboo's own.

"I'm sorry Ranboo... I didn't mean what I said," (Y/n) apologized, lowering their head in shame.

Ranboo realized what they were talking about.

The fight.

It had slipped his mind since he was more worried for the younger.

He knew how the younger would act if they and someone else would get into a fight.

If it was bad enough, a panic attack would've ensued–which wasn't fun.

(Y/n) wasn't used to being yelled at, especially with malicious intent and behavior from others.

Which was why they were banned from using certain websites off the internet for a while.

Standing up once more, Ranboo sat (Y/n) down onto his chair and crouched.

(Y/n) flinched and hissed lightly when they felt a cold finger lightly run against their swollen ankle which probably had a bruise on it as well.

"Did you hear anything snap?" Ranboo asked, looking at the younger with pure worry dancing in his eyes.

(Y/n) clenched at the blanket and shook their head.

"You must've stepped on your foot wrong then," Ranboo whispered underneath his breath.

"Aren't you mad at me? I said I hated you earlier!" (Y/n) exclaimed in disbelief.

Ranboo met eye to eye with the other and shook his head.

"I could never be mad at you (N/n). Plus, I was more worried about you then worried about me," he replied.

"But... I'm still sorry," (Y/n) whispered.

Ranboo lightly smiled and continued to run a hand through the younger's hair.

"I know you're sorry about it and I'm thankful for that, but it's okay, the past is in the past, and the future is now."

Tears gathered up in (Y/n)'s eyes as they threw their arms around the other.


This caused the said blonde to laugh softly and returned the hug with his own.

"Would you like to play Fnaf with me?" Ranboo finally asked.

"Fnaf?" (Y/n) repeated.

Ranboo nodded his head, "Five Nights at Freddy's."

This made the (H/c)ette even more confused but they nodded their head.

"Can I try it?" (Y/n) answered, despite it sounding more like a question due to the tone in their voice.

"Nice, come on, I'll make a new game."

(Y/n) nodded their head at this arrangement, flinching lightly when they felt the coldness of an extra water bottle being placed upon the ankle.

Ranboo picked up the younger and sat down onto the chair, allowing the younger to sit on his lap, holding the extra bottle of water against the ankle.

"Ready?" Ranboo asked.

"Yep," (Y/n) answered.

"Then let's do this."



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