《 Packing 》

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Ranboo had finally gotten off of the call with Tubbo, not noticing a grinning figure behind him.

Turning towards the younger, Ranboo felt nervous when he saw the excited smile on the younger's lips.

"What made you happy?" He asked.

(Y/n) glanced over at their older brother and grinned, "We're going to England!"

Ranboo blanked out when he realized someone must've told them.

"I gotta go get my stuff all packed up! Get your stuff packed up too!" They exclaimed before running out of the room.

Ranboo sighed loudly as he shook his head while running a hand through his messy dirty blonde locks.

"Phil or someone else must've told them. Was it a good idea though?" He mumbled as he too went off to pack up his stuff.

(Y/n) opened their bedroom door by its knob before entering it.

The somewhat clean bedroom had toys decorating the floor which was mostly just plushies.

A lego crate could be seen in the corner of the room, legos surrounding it as some type of a defense mechanism.

The bed was perfectly made except for the small wrinkles here and there near the pillows.

Walking over, (Y/n) crouched down in front of their bed and pulled out a wheeled carrying case.

Whistling lightly, they stood up and placed it onto the bed.

(Y/n) unzipped the bag and opened it.

"Now, what do I even need for a trip like this? Only trip I've been to is a summer camp that was made by the school...sadly it was mandatory," they sighed while dropping their head in disappointment.

The small ticking of their wall clock was the only thing that was heard except for the gentle breathing of the child.

"Only major things I know are clothing, my toothbrush and toothpaste, um...personal items, and that's it...right?" They asked themselves as they counted on their fingers slowly.

(Y/n) walked over to their closet that sat beside the bedroom door and opened it.

Half of the stuff were just shorts and normal t-shirts.

"What is with my clothing style? Oh, right. It never mattered anyway," the (H/c)ette shrugged their shoulders and carelessly grabbed every single pair of shorts and shirts out of the closet.

They then walked back over to their bag and started folding the shirts, placing the folded shirts first, the shorts following right after.

"I'll have to bring in a pair of shoes and maybe a pair of knee high boots? If they question it, I shall yeet them into either Narnia or oblivion," (Y/n) yawned out as they walked over to the pile of old and new shoes they kept.

Taking off their current ones, the (H/c)ette placed normal shoes onto their feet before tossing the others into the small pile.

(Y/n) picked up a pair of boots and another pair of shoes from the new side of the bunch before standing up and heading back over to the bag.

"Just in case," they mumbled, placing the two onto the far left side, making sure to fold the boots in half, of course.

Confused (E/c) eyes stared at their bag for a few seconds before looking upwards.

"A plush or two wouldn't hurt, right?"

(S/c) hands reached over and grabbed a Ranboo plush and a (F/a) plush, before placing them into the bag as well.

'Now the rest of my stuff.'

Ranboo sat in his bedroom, already finished with his packing since he had done it the night before.

Now, he was just waiting for the younger to be done packing.

The blonde knew how the younger wasn't a huge fan with long trips that lasted more than a week due to homesickness that they would get after being in an unfamiliar place for a long time.

"I hope that they're gonna be alright, I'll start feeling bad if they want to go home within the first week," he whispered, stuffing his face into the palms of his hands.

Ranboo could remember every single queasy look the younger would give whenever the school would call for a two or so week summer vacation every school for them and the other students.

"Boo?" A familiar voice piped up from the open doorway, causing the said male to look up and over.

It was (Y/n).

They were rolling their bag on the set of wheels it had on the bottom.

"Hm?" He hummed out.

"I'm done," they replied, with a questionable tone.





"Toothbrush and toothpaste?"



"Yupper doodles."

"Hair brush?"

(Y/n)'s eyes furrowed a bit before nodding their head.

"And I'm guessing you brought your DvD player, earbuds, a set of movies, and its charger?" Ranboo asked, when he noticed the plastic-like leathered bag that went across their chest.


"Then we should tell mom and dad that we should be heading out now, it'll take a while," Ranboo stated as he got up onto his feet.

"Okay," (Y/n) replied with a head nod while stepping out of the way.

Ranboo smiled in amusement and left the room, having the younger follow him to their parents.

"We're ready!" (Y/n) exclaimed.

Their parents had noticed the two carrying their stuff and nodded their heads.

Their father got up onto his feet while swiping up the set of keys into his hands.

"Alright then, we should head out now."

"Take care you two! Ranboo, watch after them!" Their mother scolded them.

"I will," Ranboo replied.

"Bye bye! I'll miss you!" (Y/n) exclaimed as they waved while leaving the house with their father and Ranboo, heading outside to enter the car.

Despite being ready for the adventure, nothing but nervousness could be seen.


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