《 Surprise 》

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Hours had finally passed by.

It felt like a year for (Y/n) since this was the first time that they've been on a plane.

Ranboo was on the phone with Tubbo, telling him how he and (Y/n) were now waiting to pick up their baggage at the baggage claim so that they could head near the front.

(Y/n) seemed to notice their bags slowly coming towards them and skipped over.

The familiar baggage of theirs was tagged so the (H/c)ette was able to pull the bags off with a bit of difficulty.

Their Dvd cross-body bag lightly thumped their leg as they walked over to Ranboo with their bags.

"Boo," they called out.

Ranboo turned his attention to the younger and saw the worried eyes of the younger when they realized eyes had landed on them both.

(Y/n) went up to Ranboo and handed him his bag.

Ranboo gave a quiet thanks before ending the phone call with Tubbo.

"What did Tubbo say?" (Y/n) asked, confused on what the brunette had said to their brother.

"His mother and himself are waiting for us outside, we should be able to find Tubbo easily," Ranboo answered.

"Is it because he's short?" (Y/n) questioned.

Ranboo tried his best not to laugh.

"You're shorter than him," he replied.

(Y/n) shrugged their shoulders, "I haven't hit full puberty yet, I could still be taller than him when I'm older."

"You're just slandering the boy," Ranboo said, shaking his head in disappointment.

"He's younger than you though," (Y/n) states.

"Why do you like to slander people when you have a chance?" Ranboo questioned as he and (Y/n) headed in the direction of the entrance.

"Bad humor...really bad humor," the (H/c)ette answered, grinning a bit.

Ranboo shook his head in disappointment, "And how did you get this bad humor?"

(Y/n) stared at their brother with a blank stare.

"From you."

Ranboo gave a fake offended look despite it not being seen.

A yawn left (Y/n)'s lips as jet lag had decided to hit them.

Ranboo didn't seem bothered by the jet lag but the (H/c)ette could tell that the older male was hiding it.

"Does Tubbo like the bee?" (Y/n) asked as they exited the airport building.

"Yes, Tubbo likes the bee," Ranboo answered.

"Hm, good answer."

(Y/n)'s attention was brought onto a familiar face and figure.

"It's Big Law," they pointed out, pointing over at Tubbo and his mother.

Ranboo looked over and saw how the younger one was telling the truth.

"Ah yes, bee boy."

(Y/n) gave a mischievous grin, "Go say hi to your platonic husband."

Ranboo raised an eyebrow at the younger.

"If he's my platonic husband, then aren't you our second child?" He asked.

(Y/n) went dot eyed, "When was this confirmed?"

"Hours ago."

(Y/n) looked like they'd just seen a ghost.

"Who asked to adopt me?" They continued to ask.

"Tubbo," Ranboo simply answered.

"And you agreed!?" (Y/n) exclaimed in disbelief.

"Uh-huh," the dirty blonde nodded his head.

(Y/n) puffed out their cheeks and headed in the direction of Tubbo and his mother with Ranboo following after them.

"Tubbo!" They called out.

Tubbo looked around before seeing a ten years old child running straight at him and seeing a taller male behind them.

"Ranboo! Miniboo!" Tubbo cheered as he opened his arms.

(Y/n) ran straight into Tubbo's arms and hugged him.

"Surprise!" The (H/c)ette chirped with excitement.

Ranboo and Tubbo's mother were talking with each other as the two short ones in the group continued to hug each other.

"You two must be Miniboo and Ranboo? Toby has told me so much about you two. I'm his mother," Tubbo's mother greeted with a warm motherly smile.

Ranboo nodded his head, "It's nice to meet you as well ma'am."

"Are you two tired and hungry? We can get food on the way to the house, I can pay," Tubbo's mother said.

"You don't have to..." Ranboo replied.

The woman shook her head and smiled up at the tall teenager.

"Don't worry."

The two then looked over and felt themselves smile.

(Y/n) was on Tubbo's back messing with his short brown locks, making small braids and ponytails in them just for the fun of it.

Tubbo didn't seem bothered at all since he seemed more relaxed than anything.

"Would you like to get anything to eat you two?" Tubbo's mother asked with a raised eyebrow.

Tubbo and (Y/n) glanced at each other for a few seconds.


Tubbo's mother laughed at how the two were in sync.

Ranboo just shook his head in silent amusement.

"Looks like we're gonna be getting you all some nuggets."

Tubbo's mother urged their two guests into the car.

Tubbo was pouting a bit since he wanted to talk with the (H/c)ette more but didn't say anything as all four of them got into the car.

"Would you three kids like anything to drink while we get you guys some food?"

"(F/d), please!"

"Water is fine."

"I'll take water!"

Tubbo's mother nodded her head, "Two waters and a (F/d), got ya."

With that, she started up the car and drove off.

Tubbo thought it was a good idea and started blasting both Wilbur and Dream's music through the radio.

(Y/n) had stuck earbuds into their ears to muffle the sound a bit so that they could listen as well.

Despite it being loud for them, they actually liked the songs that were being played.

They would ignore the curse words but would sometimes question it.

Like, were they planets?

Or were they like another type of creature that they had to find?

It didn't bother them too much.


They were now in England.

And it was gonna be fun.


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