《 Silent Treatment 》

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Tw: soft angst

Hours had passed since the fight between Ranboo and (Y/n).

Their parents had realized how quiet the house was once they had gotten back from work, worried for the two.

When they first arrived, (Y/n) gave them a quiet greeting before leaving the room when their and Ranboo's eyes met.

(Y/n) had gone up to their bedroom, not wanting to be bothered and not wanting to see Ranboo right now.

This had worried the two adults greatly.

Ever since the (H/c)ette was born, Ranboo would always be by their side twenty-four/seven unless school hours were in session.

They both knew how their children were towards each other.

Clingy and overprotective.

But now?

It was like the younger was giving the older the silent treatment.

The parents knew how bad this must've hurt Ranboo seeing as he tried to apologize multiple times afterwards.

(Y/n) would always shoulder the apologies from the older, breaking the blonde even more.

"Ranboo, did something happen while we were gone?" Ranboo's and (Y/n)'s mother had asked, worried about the current and almost defeated dirty blonde before them.

"(Y/n) and I got into a fight...and it didn't go so well," Ranboo murmured, turning his head away as he tried his best to stop from crying again.

The parents glanced at each other before looking at their teenage son.

"What was it about?" Their father gently urged on, wanting to know what happened between the two.

Ranboo's breath hitched a bit before bringing his gaze back towards his parents.

"They wanted Minecraft and I told them no," he answered while lowering his head in shame.

Their mother sighed softly and placed a gentle hand on her son's right shoulder.

"I know that you just want to protect them, Ranboo. But you need to let them be able to meet other people," she tried to explain as easily as she could.

"What if those people misgender them? Even their own teacher uses (Y/n)'s old pronouns since they said it's 'just a phase', who knows if someone online would do it too!?" Ranboo answered, freaking out a bit.

"Son, you won't know until (Y/n) gets an account," the father finally speaks up with a deep sigh while holding the bridge of his nose.

Ranboo lowered his shoulders in defeat, knowing that his parents were right in what they were saying.

"Seeing as they currently are giving you the silent treatment, you can either let it blow over or keep trying to apologize," the mother finished.

This had then given Ranboo an idea seeing as he had perked up, "Right, thanks mom and dad!"

The two parents watched their son leave with a quick step causing them to question how and why they've raised strange children.

Sitting in his gaming chair, Ranboo was scrolling through the comments of the current post that he had posted on Twitter.

It was a call out to every single skin creator in the hopes to have a certain Minecraft skin to be created and designed for a young pouty child.

Pure excitement and challenging skin creators were ready despite not knowing who it was for but still wanted to do it anyways.

Ranboo had asked for a (F/a) skin that wears either a frog hoodie, Pusheen hoodie, or just a plain hoodie.

The dirty blonde knew that if he had something like this done, then maybe, just maybe, (Y/n) would forgive him.

Turning towards an extra monitor, he signed up for an Microsoft account seeing as that was needed for the Xbox account while creating a Minecraft account.

Finally going to the Minecraft website, he then started his journey on making the younger one a Minecraft account.

"Username..." he had whispered with furrowed eyebrows, trying to figure out a good username.

His eyes then brightened as he typed out a certain username.


"I hope this works as an apology," he whispered as he finished creating the account.

(Y/n) had somewhat destroyed their room due to a small tantrum that they had after having that fight with Ranboo earlier.

Dry tear stained cheeks could be seen as the said child was wrapped up like a burrito in their blanket.

They were currently staring blankly ahead with a sour look on their face.

"I didn't mean to say that...I really didn't," they whimpered out with a shake of their head.

"But, it's a normal reaction, isn't it? Or am I acting spoiled...?" This time, they trailed off their sentence.

This caused them to huddle up even more into the blanket at the thought of being spoiled, tasting a sour taste in their mouth.

'I don't want to be spoiled, I already get a monthly allowance due to keeping my own chores up in the house.'

Tears gathered up in their eyes as a single tear went down their cheeks.

"I'm so sorry, Ranboo."


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