Silence is a girl's loudest cry.

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[ A/N : Dear readers, thank you so much if you're still reading this, thank you so much if you voted, and to those who commented, it meant so much to me to see your comments, even if it's just a 'more!!' or  'update please!!', it drives me crazy ( in the good way lol). i observed the reads are decreasing by each chapter, then again, it's normal, everyone get most read at the first chapters, then maybe if you're story is good enough, you'll get more. Um, i know i am not a great writer, yet i tried my best, and i'm improving, at least i think i am, haha.  i am awfully sorry for not updating for so long, since my editor wasn't free, fortunately my editor for my 'Truth Be Hold' story ( another Greyson Chance fan fiction, hehe) helped me out by editing this story for me as well, words is certainly no enough to express my gratefulness! Thank you Tristan, I love you so so much! hehehh. Without further ado, scroll on and enjoy reading ;)  btw, dedicating this chapter to Angel ( that's her name written on her profile, lol) for being such a cute supporter! ]




I woke up at the sound of muffled hushed voices.  My head ached so badly that I could probably kill a cow, wait, it’s not even related, whoa, I can’t even think straight right now. I sat up and adjusted my eyes to the light as I recall that I am currently at Vicky’s. Just then, there was a knock on the door.

“Dee, now listen, listen to me, just once, don’t protest, just listen, and no arguing, okay?” Vicky walked in and told me, moving from feet to feet. Before I realized what she meant, Greyson walked in.

His gorgeous brown eyes were weary, his hair was a mess, he looked awful. I let out a gasp. At the sight of him, my heart began throbbing in an unbearable stage , every step he take triggers me, I wish I could just go back to sleep so that I won’t need to see him, I began pulling my duvets higher and higher in front of me, as if defending myself from impending evil, but then it was just my boyfriends, I mean, my ex boyfriend, he’s probably not even my friend now, considering how he broke my heart, I’m impressed that I am still living - that my heart is still beating - after the terrible heart break.

 He stopped, then sat at the edge of my bed in slow motion. “Dee, I know you couldn’t forgive me, but just listen to me, for once, please, I can explain, please?”he implored, his beautiful voice cracked.

I hadn’t notice that tears were brimming over my eyelids already until he leaned forward to wipe them off for me. “Don’t you dare touch me!” I jerked back, as if his touch is fire to my icy skin. I blinked furiously, in a vain attempt to stop my traitor tears. I can’t let him see me crying, this is stupid. I am such a failure.

“Dee… please.”  He pleaded. “It wasn’t me. I thought Britney was you, she dressed herself up exactly like you and tricked me. She told me that she was unhappy, she was upset, and lured me into getting drunk with her. She beguiled me! I swear I didn’t know it was Britney, and I drank too much.” He explained as tears rolled down his flawless angelic face. I didn’t know that such an incredibly amazing boy like him would cry. He looked to innocent and broken.

“Don’t you dare break my heart into a million pieces and try to make it up with such a ridiculous excuse you create. “ I hissed, fighting back the tears in my eyes.

“Dee, please, I beg you…” he inched closer to me.

“Get away from me!” I snarled as I got out from my bed, trying to run away. ”I was wrong about you. “ I spat.  Just then, I collapsed. Darkness engulfed me. I heard faint voices, calling my name, but I couldn’t respond.

* * * * * * * *


“I was wrong about you.” Those five little words came out from her mouth instantly sliced my heart into pieces. Without any sign, she fainted. I caught her before she faced the ground.

 It’s all my fault.

It’s all my fault.

It’s all my fault.

I repeated the mantra, over and over again, sitting outside the emergency room in the town hospital. Destiny is inside with two doctors and nurses running in and out for more than an hour.

I am worried. I am terrified.

It’s all my fault, I am going to be sent to hell for sure. Words can’t describe the way I feel right now.

I was the reason she’s inside, facing the matter of life and death. I was such a sinner, to ruin such an amazing girl like her. I sat at the metal bench, hunched down, placing my face in my palms. I prayed to God to keep her safe.

My head shot up when I heard a door being opened. A doctor came out, from the room beside Destiny’s, he shook his head solemnly, and apologized to the family outside, saying he had tried his best. The family broke in to tears.

I gazed at them, emotionless, just then, I heard a baby cry, the other door was opened, the doctor came out with a smile, people which I belief is the family of whoever that is inside that room rushed forward, the doctor carried a little healthy new-born baby out for them and they cried tears of joy.

It is such an incredible fact that the hospital  holds both live and death, you can witness a man die while another is born.

I punched my fist in my frustration. They would not let me in to see her, they would not tell me how is she, saying I am not her family, but the only family she has is Britney, Britney is no where to be seen.

All I could do was just sitting outside. It was certainly the most torturing thing I ever endured. They didn’t know how much the girl dying in there meant to me, she’s my life! She is my thoughts, my heart, my soul, my everything. How can I live without her?

Destiny, please be alright.


I couldn’t bear to lose you.

I couldn’t live without you.


[A/N: so so so so, how was the chapter? Please tell me what are you thinking ! the more response i get, the faster i update okay? how about this, i'll update when i get 300 more reads / 50 more votes / 30 more comments / 10 more fans . Ok? I know you guys can do it, remember, i love each and everyone of you who are reading this, keep this in mind !  til the next post! x ]

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