Perhaps I saw what I wanted to see in him and made him to be more than he was.

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[ Dedicating this chapter to HopeSilver for making me such an awesome book cover, i love it a lot! So once again, thanks! scroll on, happy reading! ]




Britney placed a big bowl of her home made cereal on the dining table, “May I present my special cereal, awesome-st breakfast you can ever find in the universe!”

Greyson let out a little laugh and helped himself with a bowl of Britney’s cereal as I came down from the stairs. “Brit! Don’t tell me you’re feeding Greyson your low-fat stuff again.”

“Mmm, taste good, why not?” Britney answered as she ate a spoonful, she always ate her own made so-called healthy mean which contains hardly any fats, to maintain her slender figure as a model.

“Greyson’s thin enough; he doesn’t need to be any thinner, though neither do you.”

“You’re going out?” Greyson asked as I headed towards the door.

“Oh…Yep. Um, got a special errand to run today,” I replied carefully, avoiding conspicuous.

“Really?” Britney’s face glowed for a while, “Um, I mean, you’re really not joining us tiday?” she quickly reform her tone.

“Sorry but no. Have fun yea, both of you!” I waved before closing the door.


* * * * * * * *

“Miss Whitney.” Dr. Too called me by my last name. “Here’s you report.” He held out a pristine white envelope. “Your current situation has been more stable since your last check up.” He intoned calm but serious.

 I remained silence. I took out my report gingerly and studied each words carefully, afraid to leave out any part.

“But, Miss Whitney, I advise you to undergo the surgery as soon as possible. I;m afraid it might turn out worse as time passes, the clocking is ticking.”

I tried asking for stronger medicine or more injections and drugs, but the doctor merely shook his head, not assenting. “I’m afraid not, Miss Whitney, those are just temporary, In fact, over using may cause unpleasant side effects.” I shuddered, pulling my arms close to me, and felt so helpless.

After a long silence, I spoke, “Thanks Dr. Too, I will consider about that again.” Dr. Too nodded his head firmly and I left.

What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? Do I even have choices? It hit me hard on the face. A lone tear escaped from my left eye and I didn’t even bother to wipe it off.

Finally, I decided to not undergo the surgery, not so soon. I needed time.

* * * * * *  *

I heard joyous laughter outside the door step. Plastering a smile, I went and open the door, welcoming Britney and Greyson. “How’s everything?” I asked feigning a cheerful tone.

“ It was hilarious, Grey.. Grey.. Grey.. Hahahah! He---“ “—Oh shut up.” Greyson butted.

“Lemme guess, everything gone well, both of you had a great time.” I said.

“Yea, right, Greyson kept stumbling about his own toes.: Britney teased, Greyson just stood, and blushed like a tomato.

“Hey, wanna see a sneak-peek of the MV?” offered Britney. I could tell Greyson is trying to protest but he didn’t eventually.,

Without waiting for my answer, Britney held out her phone in front of me.

It was Greyson, holding her waist, dancing slowly by the waterfall, Britney looked like an angel and Greyson smiled as charming as usual. The next scene was Britney hugging Greyson in the middle of the waterfall; it looked like both of them are made for each other, and lastly, both of them leaning against each other, head to head.

I felt a pang of jealousy. That should be me! But wait, I remembered myself declining his offer and give the opportunity to Britney. Britney was only playing her part in the MV, she knows my feelings towards Greyson, she won’t betray me, she’s my twin.


“Dee.” Britney called as Greyson left to his room. “You should have seen him and his crew today at the music video shooting. They were such a big professional bunch. I’ve always wished to be a star like him.”

“You’re envy, aren’t you?” I teased as I couldn’t’ think of anything else to say.

Yea, and I’m so going to try harder and make my dreams come ture. She said with a crooked smile. “You know what, knowing Greyson is such a big advantage. I’m so not going to waste it.”

“He’s out friend!” I reminded her, but she seemed to be in deep thoughts already. Having Greyson as a friends is such a blessed opportunity. Yet I’m not going to misuse it.

“Yep.” She said, popping the “P”. “That’s why..”

You & I (Greyson Chance fan fiction with a pair of twins)Where stories live. Discover now