A woman's heart is a deep ocean of secrets.

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Vicky's words rang inside me over and over again as if I've heard it from a thousand miles away and it can't stop echoing. 

This is impossible, I mean, it can't be real, I ran my fingers across my hair over and over again, walking back and forth the room. How I wished someone could just hit me hard one time and wake me up from this horrible nightmare. 

Too bad that's not possible. 

I sank at the corner of the sofa in Destiny's room as I assimilate that bloody piece of information I just received. Destiny and leukemia. 

"Greyson, perhaps I should leave now so you can have some time with Destiny.. So bye." Vicky said, drawing me out of the turbulence inside my mind. I looked up at her and waved a good bye. 

Leukemia has a cure doesn't? Yea, so now I should find a way rather than being depressed.

I walked over to Destiny's side, looking down on her pale gaunt body. I swear I'm gonna return the emerald green eyes that sees the beautiful part in everything, that perfect angular nose that nuzzles my chest, that rosy cheeks that blushes every time I compliment her, or those lovely lips that I've always loved. 

* * * * * * * * 

"Greyson!" my producer yelled at me and I was startled, almost jumping out from my skin. "What is wrong with you?" I merely gaze at him, unable to come up with a witty answer.

"This is too much, you can't continue being like this. Your schedules are all messed up, our cooperating companies aren't happy about this." I opened my mouth trying to speak, but again, words failed me. I looked at Stacci, wishing she would say something for me. 

"Grey, I know things aren't nice recently, I understand you're having a hard time.. I think it's better if you stay away from the twins." My manager, Stacci said. 

"W-w-what?!" I exclaimed. They began bombarding me with the negative effects they twins affected me and listed all the lost I might face but I won't let those words get into my ears. I covered my ears, holding my head so hard that my scalp hurts from my fingernails. "No way, you don't understand---"

"No, that's enough from them, you don't understand, stay away I insist, for your own good!" Stacci cut me off.

Wow, I didn't see that coming. Now they are trying to tell me what I understand and what I do not? This is sick. I would never ever stay away from Destiny, even if I have to lose everything I have. I stood up angrily and stomped out of the room. 

* * * * * * * *

"Any news from Britney?" Vicky asked me as I paced into Destiny's room. Luckily Destiny still has Vicky when I am unable to accompany her. Destiny doesn't deserve to lie on the bed. Glancing on the table at the side, fresh fruits and pretty flowers filled every inch of the table, obviously many had been visiting her. Everyone loves her, so do I, yet now she's lying there, unable to speak or move, because of me...

"No.." my reply was short and soft. I just don't have the energy to say more. The only person I would want to speak to now is Destiny, I spent every night singing her favourite songs beside her, telling her how much I missed her, calling her to wake up,

Rumours were spreading wild about me and Destiny, they can say whatever they want about me, but they can't say a thing about Destiny, she's the sweetest girl that ever existed! My manager had been dialling my number a whole lot of times, they can tell me whatever they want , but they can't tell me what to feel. I wished i could just leave this world for a short while, escape from all this mess. It had only been a week and i feel like I've lost the meaning of life already. 

I can't believe what Britney did, although what she did was unforgivable, yet she should at least come to visit her own twin sister! How could she just run away from everything that heartless...witch! I struggled to find a word to describe her but failed, i couldn't bear to use a word too bad to describe the girl that is so much related to the one i loved so much.

"Mr Chance and Ms Bailey." Dr Too greeted use with his crisp pristine doctor coat, holding several files. "I have something to tell you." These simple words erupted a big wave inside me. Vicky and I promptly followed him out of the room. 

Dr Too told us that he had found the suitable bone marrow for Destiny, Destiny had been his patient for a long time but she refused to undergo treatment although she's even advised to do so since months ago, I wonder why didn't she go for treatment but i guess that question could wait for now. So the conclusion is she has a cure now and she's going for bone marrow transplant in two days time. 

I didn't what to feel at the moment, it's a mixture of happiness and worried. She might be able to get up soon and that's what I've wished for every day every night. However the surgery is risky and dangerous. I couldn't bear to think what the risk was. 

* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ 

[ A/N: I know it's a long time since my last update, i was busy with life, yes, what a lame reason, at least it's a reason, not an excuse!

I can't express how thankful i am to my dearest editor for editing this chapter in such a short period, i just sent it to her this morning and now here i am uploading this.

I hope you guys aren't disappointed with this chapter, do VOTE if you like it, COMMENT if you have something in mind, and FAN if you want to recieve all my updates on Wattpad ;D ]

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