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It was cold dawn, The Winslet family reached India, Sara felt the cold wind embracing her she came to India after sixteen years. Guards took their pieces of luggage and put them in the luxurious car and then another luxurious car came to pick them up Mr Winslet sat near the driver seat, his wife and children were sitting on the back seat Edmund was playing games on his mobile Mrs Winslet was half sleeping and Sara was enjoying the sceneries she got relaxed by breathing the fresh air when the car reaches the mansion the whole family were burst with excitement by seeing the huge mansion except Mr Winslet.

They enter into their new mansion maids were welcome them by pouring flowers to them Sara was on cloud nine and she never blinks at once by the view of the huge mansion her shocking mind was disturbed by the clap of Edmund Hey sis are you alive or dead? You didn't even blink at once  I think you left us, he mocked her. You dumb head I never left you alone I'm the one who always taking peace from you she said to him.

Excuse me sir and mam one maid call them their funny conversation was stopped by that voice she said shall I introduce your room to you both? She asked politely and respectively, Sara and Edmund nodded then she take them to their rooms their room was very elegant it has two giant cots one cot is covered by purple colour and another one is covered by crimson colour and each side of that cots two large dressers and Wooden wardrobes are there. Their bedroom looks like a Royals room Sara and Edmund were can't wait to jump on the cot that maid was seeing them with caring and loving eyes and she about to leave Sara asked her miss can I know your name?  The maid replied call me Ria she says her name she smiles and left their room.

It was a busy day for Winslet family they were busy settling their kinds of stuff with the help of their maids. Finally, they finished the works and settled their kinds of stuff

Sara and Edmund were in their room at that time Mr Winslet came to their room and starts his story, as usual, he always said to his children Vampires Witches and other superficial powers are cruel and dangerous humans are the only good creature in this world  their conversation was corrupted by the voice of Fiona Argh you continue your superficial theory again don't you get tired of this anyway tomorrow you both have school now come and dine with us

Mr Winslet, Sara and Edmund nodded and follows Fiona, Sara starts to eat like always her love towards food never gets lost she always eat fast. After they finished their dinners they made their way to their rooms

Good night sleep tight dears, Good night Amma and Appa

Edmund as usual he starts to play the game and Sara starts to read the book about vampires

( Generally, she have curiosity about vampires so she always likes to read vampire fictions)

After a few minutes both Sara and Edmund fell asleep peacefully.

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