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As the dusk arrives, Sara and Edmund getting ready for the ceremony. Sara wearing a full Maroon colour gown and she didn't apply any makeup, she did her hairstyle, as usual, her signature ponytail and she wears her spectacles. Edmund calls her from downstairs, Sara begin to walk but she fell on the floor because of her long gown, she can't walk properly but she tried too hard to walk and she comes downstairs she breathing heavily. Edmund wears a Royal blue Dior formal shirt and tight pants.

Edmund controlling his laughs by seeing her inelegant look, but Sara didn't notice anything. Mr and Mrs Winslet are in their office, so their driver went to drop Sara and Edmund. Still, Edmund can't control his laughing, by her looks. They reached their school Edmund went out of the car but Sara again fell on the floor by her uncomfortable dress.

Edmund was laughing and taking her up. She killing him with her stare. They enter the school Edmund went to his classmates, Sara was searching for Natalia suddenly one hand tapping her shoulder, Sara turns back and she sees her Natalia both were hugging each other and Sara says to Natalia that, She is looking stunning in her outfit.

Both were talking with each other, at that moment, the ceremony was going to begin everyone sits on their chairs. Sara was searching for Mr Kim but she didn't see him. On the stage, the winners were announced by their game category, Natalia showing so much interest at this moment.

Suddenly, the announcer read Natalia's name, Sara pats her back and Natalia went to receive her medal. Edmund also eager for these announcements and fortunately his soccer group also won the trophy. After the award function, everyone enjoys at this time.

Sara and Natalia were eating cookies, at that time suddenly a water splash on Sara, and she was shocked and turns back she saw Karina was standing there. Some people took pity on Sara's situation and some people were laughing. Sara can't control her wrath she throws her cookies aside and she went to Karina.

But unfortunately, Sara was going to fell she closed her eyes tightly because of this pathetic situation. Suddenly, she felt one hand grabbing her hip, she opens her eyes widely because the person who was holding her was Mr Kim. He makes her stand straight. Everyone was shocked by this event, unexpectedly Mr Kim grabbing her wrist and takes her to the staff room.

Sara: Argh it's hurting

She says to him but he didn't give any response to her. Mr Kim pushed her into the staff room and he closed the door. Then he switches off the lights and he takes the match stick and lights the candle. Sara was half shocked and half panicked by his actions. He takes one knife from his pocket Sara's eyes were filled with tears she was afraid of him.

He comes closer to her, she takes her steps backwards and she felt her back hits the wall, there was an inch of space between them. Sara closed her eyes tightly and she didn't open them. After few seconds she opens her eyes she sees the lights were on and she sees no one was there.

She sees the ground, she saw Mr Kim kneeled on the floor, he takes her dress which sweeping the floor he starts to cut her dress with the knife up to her knees. Then he stands up and he removes her ponytail, then he removes her spectacles.

Sara was looking so much elegant and her brain becomes frozen by his actions. She looks at him without a blink for minutes. Finally, he grabs her waist and pulls her to him, she closed her eyes and didn't open them.

She had no idea, what gonna happen next. Suddenly she feels his lips placed on her lips, she opens her eyes and sees his beautiful lips kissing her's. In her mind, she is at the top of the world, and her whole body filled with full of the joys of spring. She also responds to him and kissed him back. Sara feels their lips were separated and she senses his hot deep breath.

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